
Topic: Student Questions

Marketing Mix 4p

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
I am doing assignment that writes the overview of marketing mix on my company.

One of the P "Place", as my company is the distributor itself (Trading company), not the manufacturer, we direct sell the products to the end users.

What i can write? We have no wholesalers, retailer, and even no agents...etc. Many thanks.
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  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    You misunderstand the defintion of "place" here. It's not like a "site" or "location." Place refers to "position" of the product. This means where, in the mind of the customer, does the product reside versus competitors' products, versus other related products customers use, in terms of features? Is it a high performance product? A low cost product? Is it a luxury/prestige item? Is is a "commodity?" Think about the placement of Mercedes C-class versus V-dub Beetle or a Rolex watch versus a Swatch watch.

    Placement strategy can be for a company, too. How is your distributor positioned in the mind of customers versus other distributors - broad line versus specialty? High end versus low cost? High value added versus economy self-serve or online?

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted on Author
    Wayde, Thank you very much.

    But for the information you advised, i have mentioned in "Product".
  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    Product is the P that defines the product - it's features and benefits and how it meets the needs of the customer. For product, you describe the product as it is today and the product roadmap - where the product goes in the future with respect to features and benefits.

  • Posted on Author
    D4, Thanks so much. Let me have more understanding on the marketing now.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Keep in mind that there are 7 P's not just four and they should not be looked at separately, they should be integrated.
    Place does refer to distribution more than where the product is placed (this should be covered in all aspects though as where the company and its products are positioned in the market affect everything from its price, the way you promote it, the physical evidence - the value of the product etc etc) the marketing Mix P's are still very relevant in todays marketing they have simply progressed themselves and are now beginning to focus on intergration and value appreciation for the end user rather than simply making money for the shareholders. However dont misintepret me, profit is the end goal!!
    for place look up - the vertical v horizontal theories, the effects that distribtuion channel has and costs etc how it related to the customers and the rest of the marketing mix. just because your company is the distributor and retailer in one doesnt mean there is less to think out. consider - transportation, costs, fuel, personnel, legal and political influences if transporting abroad, what kind of products is it, is available online, is it perishable, is is packaged, how much of the profit do you get as a result of being the retailer or does this get swallowed in the costs? would it be better to look into having a further retailer who can take the promtional costs from you?
    Check chartered institue of Marketing - possibly the most revered marketing body globally, they have very interesting articles and rescources for those in business and studying. I believe they feel the P's are still very much alive.

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