
Topic: Student Questions

Blogvertising = Blog Advertising?

Posted by Anonymous on 100 Points
I am a bit confused with the term "blogvertising". is it the same thing as "blog advertising"?
does this make an example of blogvertising/ blog advertising?
I want to do something similar for my project , using a blog as a means to promote a travel campaign. so i need know the exact terms for this kind of communication tool.

or blogvertising is actually an advert appearing in a blog? like advertisers notice some popular blogs and pay the bloggers for places for banners whatsoever in their blogs??

which one is which?

it would be really great if any of you can help me out with this

thanks in advance.
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  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    That's funny... a Google search gets 117,000 hits on "Blogvertising" - and yet there is no Wikipedia entry... and you aren't getting much help here...

    I could try to find some helpful sites for you, but sorry, I don't have any real world perspective on this one...

    ... maybe one of our experts might want to start a Wikipedia page on this one...
  • Posted on Member
    I'm not sure about the exact definition of Blogvertising but I'd love to share some thoughts about it.

    I find bloggers to be a very good source of Word-of-Mouth. They are looked upon as 'maven' (percieved as experts in certain areas) , that why people tend to spend their leisure time reading their blogs.

    With my assumptions, I would say blogvertsing would be 'advertising' articles written, reviewed by the bloggers themselves. It adds more credibility. If its just advertisment on their websites, it'll just be ignored (well, not always)

    I do visit some blogs and once in a while, the blogger would get some free stuff + request by the sponsors to write something about their experience. On a personal touch, I find it very effective compared to just renting an advertising space on the blog.

    Maybe you can do some research on this.

    Hope this help!


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