
Topic: E-Marketing

How Do I Get An Email List Of All The Realtors Nation Wide For The Least Amount Of Money?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I know I can buy lists for $60/1000 and down. I would like some ideas a lot less expensive. There is only about a million of us.
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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Like lawyers, real estate brokers are licensed by individual states, so each state will have lists available, try Google searches by states. Also, try this national broker link:

    good luck
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    For California try this link:

    Market Area: Orange County
    Specialization: Existing single family homes
    City: Irvine

    Search produced 156 real estate agents with complete contact info including email addresses.

    It’s time consuming, but it’s FREE
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    Hi dmccoy,

    SteveB has given you some ideas on how to get names and email addresses for FREE.

    Unfortunately, if you choose to build your email subscriber list this way you could get in a lot of trouble with the US Government and get blacklisted real quick from ISPs big and small.

    Now, if all the resources like those above and that you find Googling have permission-based subscriber lists available, then you are O.K.

    If you aren't up on CAN-SPAM, if you choose to harvest/scrap these emails and use them you are in violation of the law under Section 4 and if you send to them you are in violation again because they have not given you affirmative or implied consent as required under Section 3.

    Here is a link if you want to read up:

    You get what you pay for when you obtain lists. Ask anybody who is knowledgable about this. The higher the quality of the list, the more expensive it will be, but your open rates and responses to calls to action will be much higher than with lower quality cheaper list.

    With the higher quality lists, subscribers have given permission to be marketed to directly and by partners and affiliates.

    You will also get much fewer unsubscribes and spam reports.

    You can't do it cheap and effective.

    I hope that helps.

  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Lately we’ve been sending a snail mail business letter to invite customers to be added to an email list. It’s simple and “junk” snail mail is not spam.

    Hope this helps

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