
Topic: Career/Training

Marketing Skills Inventory

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I would like to conduct a marketing skills inventory across my staff. I would appreciate advice, a listing of desired marketing skills or other input.
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    I can't argue with all of the advice above. But I would like to add it is important to consider the level of education, titles, duties, etc. when assessing employees about marketing.

    Now, if you run a marketing firm, then then it is reasonable to assume an understanding of marketing. If not, you may get a lot of empty blanks.

    I'm not sure what you plan on doing with this data but I urge you to take the empoloyee roles into consideration and offer to train them accordingly. Marketing is frequently "malpraticed"...even by people with MBAs and marketing degrees.

    Good Luck!
  • Posted by jcmedinave on Member
    Each role and position of marketing will need different skills and practices. For example, it will differ the skills for a product developer (analysis, procedures, technology,..) than an advertising communicator (social, media, good relations), but both will need: creativity, customer sensibility, market and business knowledge, work team abilities, strategic and open mind, flexibility, confidence, people in continuing growing, and people that you like.


    Juan Carlos

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