
Topic: E-Marketing

Which Consumer Goods (mfg/stores) Do Email Selling

Posted by Anonymous on 1000 Points
1000 points for complete answers to both questions.

I have a very rich clean in house email & postal list with robust demographic data including a lot of specialty health data of US family households with kids. I believe food manufactures, grocers, toy manufactures and toy retailers, restaurants, sport retailers, clothing stores, pharma companies, insurance companies, computer retailers, ipod, -all companies selling to households with kids, etc. would love to email or postal mail against.

I have 2 questions and am offering a lot of points for whoever can answer these questions thoroughly.

1. Which of those company types listed above market direct to consumers and which capture their own in house lists therefore uninterested in using someone else's list?

For example, grocers capture their own lists via in store cards and market via news papers -not so much direct mail. And they market for the food manufactures, but do the food manufactures ever launch their own advertising -especially with coupons?

And, how do all the other company types typically market, and would they ever do direct email campaigns?

For your answer, please list each company type and their typical marketing media -and indicate their proclivity towards emailing direct to consumers.

2. Can you provide a list of 50+ actual national companies in these categories (food manufactures, grocers, toy manufactures and toy retailers, restaurants, sport retailers, clothing stores, pharma companies, insurance companies, computer retailers -or anyone interested in reaching families with kids) who you know would buy the ability to email to my list of families with children under 18 -remember I have very robust data on each household. How many times do you think they would run campaigns and what would they pay per household (I've seen rates of .28c for specialty lists like mine)?

Thanks much.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    The information you seek will require considerable research, even for someone familiar with the industry. If it's really important for you to get the answer, save your 1,000 points and post a project on the "Hire an expert" board by clicking on "post a project" in the column at the right side of this page.

    P.S. I hope I'm wrong, for your sake, and that someone actually has this information handy. I certainly don't want to discourage anyone with the information. I just don't want you to get your hopes up ...
  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    How many names on your list? Is it truly an exhaustive, national list?
  • Posted on Author
    1 million households -2.5 million names because the list includes the kid's names with their parent's names. And, yes it is an exhaustive national list -with unique data pertinent to each company.
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    Here is a link which goes to various associations. I imagine anyone in this org can give you a start to test the market.

    Sell Well and Prospertm
  • Posted on Member
    The answer to the first question is, all of them. Whether they will buy your list alone can only be answered by contacting them. You might consider working with list companies to sub-contract to buy your lists, and market it through them as a middleman.

    However as my esteemed colleagues have aptly pointed out, you are asking for answers to some very research intensive work that requires a lot more incentive than just points.

    The second question (actually you asked several more than 2 questions), can only be answered by contacting each one and asking them. Again, you might find it more useful to offer this to a list company for rent, and let them sell it multiple times., and others would be the ones to contact about using your list through them.

    Good luck!

    Mike Weiner
    The Image Generators, Inc
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you everyone. I guess I'll have to post a project to get the information I need. And, thanks Carol for the extra very useful information you gave off-line!
  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    I'm a telemarketing guy, not a list guy, but it sure sounds to me like that is a lot of names, and maybe some confidential information. I do not know what you mean by "specialty health data", but generally speaking, folks are not happy about companies sharing health related data or information about their children with others. It is one thing to have an "in-house" list, it is another thing to have the right to distribute the information (especially if your "robust demographic" information came from other folks).

    If it were me, I'd be sure an intellectual property attorney has reviewed your privacy policy and sources of information before renting information containing "specialty health data" and email addresses of minors.

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