
Topic: E-Marketing

Please Critique Our House Cleaning Landing Page.

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I've just learned thanks to you, that what we have is a Landing Page for our green house cleaning business.

We lack honest critique of our page. I don't want to say more, except that we are green house cleaners in L.A.,

Thanks in advance.

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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    Not that it matters all that much, but a landing page, at least in my opinion, is where someone "lands" when they click a link that was presented to them in a promotional email or other advertisement. It's usually a special page set up just for the promotion, whereas what you have is, again in my opinion, a pure Web site.

    There's nothing wrong with this, but I wanted to address the words "landing page."

    Now, as for your site, I think it's very good. Probably the only things I would do are:

    (1) Get the FAQ up as soon as possible. I am not a fan of "under construction" or "coming soon" pages. You're telling visitors that there's content there, and then they are disappointed when it's not. You don't want to disappoint anyone.

    (2) The phone number does not "pop" like it should. It's border-line washed out being white text on a not-so-dark background. Also, you should have the phone number peppered throughout the copy with more calls to action (see 3).

    (3) You should probably add some "call to action" at the bottom of each page, especially the home page. You give your numbers 1 and 2, but then there's nothing for the reader to do after getting to the end. I know you want them to call or email, but they have to go elsewhere on the page to do that. It should all flow from top to bottom.

    (4) I would build a short form for responses. Some people don't like to call, and they don't want to email. There are a lot of people, however, who prefer the process of filling out a form.

    (5) How does the pricing of your service compared to non-green services? I would imagine that, at worst, it's only marginally more expensive. At best, it's priced comparably. You should highlight the fact that customers can get a green cleaning service without spending more money. In other words, why wouldn't you go green?

    (6) I know you can get back to the home page by clicking the image, but not everyone will know to do this. I'd add a "home" button to your navigation.

    Good luck with your business.
  • Posted by BlueSage on Accepted
    I will give my thought, however remember, I am a consumer and NOT a professional website critic.

    In no particular order:
    On the home page, you have you will use 1 - these products then
    2. you will use these other products.
    Gives me the impression the first products are not any good, else why are you going to the name brand?

    I would like to see something along the lines of...'makes your house smell good, disinfects' stuff like that.

    taken out the rest, as I just realized you didn't ask
    for the whole site.

  • Posted by Levon on Member

    The tile background from a design / branding point of view ties in well with your product offering. I generally like the clean layout and choice of buttons and images. Clean layout is especially good for a cleaning company. Your site has strong imagery. Points goes to the person who designed it.


    I would perhaps make the tiles smaller to draw more attention to the center frame where your content will be held. Beef up your content. There is a lot to read - perhaps get to the point while you balance the task of peppering it with keywords. If you are having trouble writing the copy - get a ghostwriter to write you some content.

    Obviously the more pages - the more seo opportunities. Good work thus far!

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