
Topic: Strategy

What If There Is A Lot Of Competition In Your Area?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I live in community of 30,000 and there are probably 500 with the same profession. How do I get ahead?
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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    what profession?
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Apparently the competition "offed" Tniemi45 before she could even finish typing the question!!
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    Can you provide us with more information please?

    Thank You!
  • Posted by tjh on Member
    Nah, it's gotta be lawyers....

    or chinese restaurants.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    Generally speaking, if your offering is the same as everyone else, you can differentiate by your personal selling style.

    If everyone is going left, you go right. If everyone is going up, you go down. And, if you can afford to do this, one of the most fun ways to do this is to focus on the needs of the prospect - try to do everything you can to educate and help them.

    In my opinion, the incredible economic boom we had here in the states for years resulted in an entire generation of greedy, short term oriented, self centered sales folk who don't understand basic concepts like courtesy, service, hard work, and persistence.

    This forum is a FANTASTIC resource for learning about state-of-the-art marketing techniques. However, in your situation, some good "old-fashioned" hard work might be just what you need, especially if you sell to people in the 45 to 55 year age group.

    These folks were "raised" on classic books such as "How to make friends and influence people" by Dale Caregie. If you have not read that book, you might enjoy it.

    I'm afraid I'm shooting in the dark here... can you please give us more information about specifically what you do, so that we can provide more detailed and helpful information.

  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    change profession

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