
Topic: Career/Training

Undergraduate Or Postgraduate

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi. I have a Bachelor of Business(Information Systems). I have worked in an Administration role as well as in an IT role in my last 2 organisations. However, early last year (2006), I landed myself a Marketing and Public Relations Officer's post because of my Administration experience. Since this position also required someone to manage the website, I got through because of my IT knowledge. Now I want to pursue further studies in Marketing. I would like to know whether I should do another undergraduate degree with a Marketing major or do a Postgraduate qualification in Marketing. Please Advice.
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    If you do decide to go the degree route, I would recommend a graduate degree (MBA, etc.).

    But you should also look to see if you have "certificate" programs in your area. These are classes that provide a focus in an area (in your case, marketing), but are not degree track. They can get you the knowledge you need faster and for less money. This is assuming you are willing to forego the degree.
  • Posted by bobhogg on Accepted
    If you are in a country that recognises professional qualifications, then that's a route I would recommend.

    Courses such as those leading to the Chartered Institute of Marketing Professional qualifications are available in a number of countries worldwide (and by distance-learning as well). Although these are UK-based qualifications, they are recognised in an increasing number of countries and can normally be taken on a part-time basis so that you can continue in your current role while studying.

    More information is available here:

    Good luck,
  • Posted by cllbm18 on Accepted
    It all depends on what city you are in. Over the years, an MBA is what a BA/BS in business used to be. Certain industries, such as consulting, accounting, financial services and consumer packaged goods almost require an MBA for advancement. If you live in a city that hosts one of the better graduate schools (i.e. Wharton, Tuck, Darden, Columbia, NYU, Yale), then it is worth it to pursue. The catch is that many of those high end schools require two years of full-time study. Some have night programs. But I have found that getting an MBA from a local and perhaps mediocre graduate school doesn't really add to your marketability. So you have consider what your long term career plans are and what you can afford. At the very least, take some basic marketing courses at the best college in your area so you can get the basics under your belt. Also, take advantage of webinars or seminars by reputable groups who deal more with state-of-the-art marketing technology. There are so many variables it's hard to give good advice without knowing your background and aspirations. Also, find out what kind of tuition reimbursement program your current firm offers because it can get expensive. Good luck with whatever path you choose! CLLBM usa
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Generally speaking, an MBA will payoff better/faster than a second undergraduate degree, even if it's not as clearly focused on a functional specialty.

    And it will payoff better/faster if the MBA program is well respected and widely known.

    Of course, the real answer to your question depends on what YOU want to do and what the marketplace (of employers) wants in the country/culture in which you're living.

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