
Topic: E-Marketing

Two Important Questions

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello All !!

I need your help and direction !

I have 2 difficult, and very important questions for the experts. I need some meaningful advice , and have been directed to this forum, as being the best on line group for advice, and implementation.


1- How to best create on line awareness of a new online mobile product , and tools, and new brand exposure , to drive new users to our site.

We have the technology, design talent and the creativity , but lack the marketing engine for us to get to the next level of public awareness.

2- How can we improve our web Site ?.
I would appreciate some honest, negative/positive, and creative critique

We believe we have a very powerful new Mobile product ..... but need help on how to best market it, and get it out into the market place.

This product hasn't even been officially launched, is still in beta, and we already have hundreds of young users who have found us online, by accident.

The feedback, from these users, is extremely positive, and very encouraging, that we are moving in the right direction, and the demand is certainly there. We now need to let this little secret out into the public domain.

We have a talented staff of 35, designers, programmers, and sales staff .... and also have additional new cutting edge technology in development, and near completion, however, we lack the most important ingredient ..... MARKETING

Your expertise, comments and directions will be greatly appreciated. Also, Is there anyone who could take ownership of marketing this and run with it ....someone who has the expertise, and on line marketing experience and know how. I'm looking for a heavy hitter I believe this can produce a home run

Please visit the website below, and review

[URL deleted by staff]

For a description of [company name delted by staff]please review the flash.
Please click "Watch and Learn on the web site home page" This will give you an idea of what we are all about.

A little additional info about what we do from the web site

Maybe you're an artist who has some cool designs or maybe you're in a band with some good material looking for another avenue to release your music?

Or maybe your just an average person looking to try something new?! Use it for business or pleasure, Mamogo is really for anyone looking to buy or sell any kind of mobile content.

Our online tools and workshops make it easy to create and upload mobile content and get it to your phone or sell it for profit in our Marketspace.

I'm looking forward to your advice, and to meet new visionary, and creative friends that may be interested in working with me in the future.

[Email address deleted by staff]

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  • Posted on Accepted
    PR & Social Media are going to be your best chances. Obviously you can do some PPC but since you stated that this is a new mobile product, chances are people aren't searching for this yet.

    You need to get the word out about your product/service and how it works. Your website states that your site is a mobile community. So you need to start getting people interacting with it so hopefully it will grow legs and become viral. Once people know that this service/product is available, then people will begin to search for it.

    I would definitely do some heavy PR by doing press releases maybe even an unveiling event or something. As far as social media goes, the opportunities are endless. If you would like to talk more feel free to shoot me an email. My email is in my profile. As far as PPC goes i would at least purchase your name and other brand/product/service specific key phrases for now.

    hope this helps!

  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    PR and buzz marketing are definitely what you need. Get out your checkbook and hire a really good PR firm (or person) and call David Balter at BzzAgent.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    To drive people to your site: Upload some of the user content to YouTube (etc.) with your website mentioned at the beginning and end. This should attract the correct demographic - people who care about visual images seen in a small window.

    The website's home page too confusing. There's too much happening, and too many choices for me to explore all at once. It should be obvious "above-the-fold" what your site is about, what you're offering, and how to get it.
  • Posted on Member
    Article Marketing works extremely well for promoting a product. You write an article about how to use your product or the benefits of your product and promote it, then the links come back to you. offers some excellent article marketing tips.

    Your site looks fairly well done, I would put an optional non-flash page up however, for those who wish not to slow down their browsers.

    Jan Verhoeff

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