
Topic: Student Questions

Hot Issues In Marketing

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Hi everyone!

I'm currently doing my final unit where the time will be spent in seminars discussing about current marketing issues and developement.

What I'm supposed to do is to pick a 'hot' interesting topic, research on it, do a position paper and presentation to share with the cohort. Some mentioned by the professor : Viral marketing, Neuro marketing, green marketing etc.

I'll be surfing around for interesting marketing related developements that academics or professionals are working on to pool in ideas for my group.

So, I like to take this opportunity to ask :

Whats the latest marketing development/issues that you are currently interested in?


What some hot topics that you think I could share with my cohort?

All contributions are appreciated ;)

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  • Posted on Accepted
    "The service dominant logic" is a hot topic in e.g. Journal of Marketing. You can read more about it at
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for the tip-off so far!

    Trond : Never come across that- will look into it!,

    WMMA: I sure will! To be honest, I've only been hanging around this forum reading the interactions among forumers and also the Get to the point newsletter. When it comes to digging the site - I guess I would be starting from the Library? :)

    T_squared : Hmmm B2B viral? I've only come across B2C viral so far. I'll look into it!

  • Posted by bobhogg on Accepted
    Hi Benny...

    Why not combine some of these issues and explore what's being called the "triple bottom line" approach to marketing - encompassing economic, social and environmental aspects ("profit, people and planet" if you want a more memorable phrase!)

    You could start by reading this paper from the Chartered Institute of Marketing:

    Good luck,
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you bobhogg! I came across triple bottom line during a BBA unit which talked about sustainability or an organisation. Didn't know it is also closely related to marketing ^_^
  • Posted on Author
    Wow! Thank you for taking time off to answer my question Puru, I will hunt down that HBR article! :)

    I didn't know there is such a thing called Harry Potter Marketing :P and my first time coming across Second Life!
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you everyone, time's up for this discussion! Have to close it >.<

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