
Topic: Career/Training

Interview Questions

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
We are striving to improve our candidate interview process. It is essential that we find strong, precise interview questions that can be utilized and would yield a high caliber candidate.

Where can I find some key interview questions for individuals being hired in telemarketing?
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  • Posted on Author
    Steve, you are 100% correct. Voice quality and tone are essential. However if we have past that stage what questions can provide a better understanding of the candidate to determine a good fit into position/company?
  • Posted on Member
    Hi all,

    As Steve said to check the tone of the voice I agree but prefereable I will suggest a person with a good telemarketing skills thus; able to convience a consumer within a short space of time. for eg. I can ask a candidate to sell a ball pen to me hence you have to check first if the buyer really needs a ball pen and which type he/she needs etc. Charles. Geneva Switzerland.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Seth Godin answered this question a while back with some sage advice:
  • Posted on Author
    Jay, thank you for your submission. However, after reading his article and a few others that counter his thinking, I think that Seth may be too short sighted or tunnel vision in his approach to the hiring process.
  • Posted by michael on Member
    Ask your team leaders. They are the ones who are "stuck" with a bad hire.

    "So...Bill, how long did it take you to realize this person wasn't going to succeed here. What was it that stood out?"

  • Posted on Member
    Ask the applicants:

    What kind of books do you read?
    What do you want to do in 5 years?
    What do you know about (name the business)?
    Describe your best friend.
  • Posted on Accepted
    One of the products we offer is The Sales Hiring System.

    We customize the hiring process for each position be it inside or outside sales, one-call-close versus a complex sale, as well as many other variations.

    Advice I can give on hiring for any position is:

    * When teaching our clients how to hire for Sales, it is quite important to be consistent. Have your list of questions ready and ask the same questions of each candidate.

    * Designate a pre-determined grading scale. Grade the resume, references, and each question consistently and then utilize the cumulative score to determine your best candidates.

    * Use scenarios to find out how the Manager reacts to situations specific to your culture, products, and problems.

    * Make a list of qualities your organization looks for in qualified candidates, then develop questions that bring those traits to the surface.

    * Ask candidates to write a business plan on how they plan to increase sales.

    Just a few of the questions should include:
    • What are your revenue and quota responsibilities?
    • What are your methods to dealing with a poorly performing salesperson.
    • What are the sales techniques you most often use.
    • When was the last time you attended a sales training seminar?
    • What were the last sales and or leadership book you read? Tell me about it.
    • What if any magazines do you subscribe to? Which ones do you feel most valuable to you, and why?
    • How many sales reps are in your region? How does your team rank within the list?
    • How many sales reps are you currently managing? Of those reps how many are over quota? What is the quota on average for all candidates for the last year?
    • Describe your management approach.
    • How do you target new customers?
    • What techniques do you recommend for territory management?
    • Describe your approach to building a sales team.
    • What traits are important to you in your salespeople? Why?
    • Tell me about the most competitive situation you were ever in and how it turned out.
    • What are the buying signs you watch for and those you teach your sales people?
    • How do you feel about our product/service?

    I am sure you have already thought about this, but be sure to AVOID some questions that can get you in to trouble like:
    • Do you have children, spouse
    • Are you pregnant?
    • Are you single?
    • When were you born?
    • What is your religion?
    • What do you think of the president?

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Positive Results provides training, consulting, keynote speaking and specializes in B2B sales management, CRM/SFA consulting, mystery shopping, and sales hiring insuring you get and keep top-producing sales professionals.

    [URL and phone number deleted by staff]

    Another link is:
    [URL deleted by staff]

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