
Topic: E-Marketing

Effective E-marketing For Mortgage Insurance

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I'm new on this site, but have been in the insurance business for a while. I have a handful of associates that are in the same situation that I am. We are looking for a more effective presence on the Internet regarding mortgage protection insurance. We have tried all the "free" posting ideas (i.e. craigslist etc.) but we're looking more toward directed interest in this particular product. If somebody has any valuable information for my associates and I, We'd greatly appreciate any advise you may have to offer us. Thanks so much for your time, and consideration.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Last month Overture listed the relatively low number of 2764 searches for "mortgage protection insurance" (contrast this with 1.7 million searches for "mortgage") Not surprisingly, if people aren't searching for it, they won't find you.

    The key is to determine who is your target audience (people with mortgage) and what problem you solve (avoiding foreclosure of your home when you die).

    People don't look for insurance regularly - they think about it when they have a big lifestyle change: a marriage, a divorce, a birth, a death, a new home, an inheritance, and at tax time (when meeting with financial advisers). Therefore, it would make sense to create a series of marketing pieces that help people at these times:

    "How To Ensure Your Marriage Is Financially Strong"
    "10 Financial Tips for New Parents"
    "Keep Your New Home In the Family"

    These educational articles would be published on your website, in article banks, local magazines, etc. The purpose is to provide genuine information, with a link back to your site for more information.

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