
Topic: Strategy

Msn Search Changes - Good Or Bad

Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on 250 Points
MSN just made some changes to their search engine (see for an article with details and to see the search page).

I was wondering if others thought that this was a good strategy and will help them compete with Google, or bad because all they are doing is mimicing Google?

Just wondering - I don't work for Microsquash nor am I using this for a paper or anything like that.

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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Hi Peter,

    I'm guessing it's a good strategy in that it keeps the gap from widening, just like everyone adding more storage for the email accounts following Goggle's lead. As you know, branding is a mind thing. I doubt MNS will be catching Google in the near future.

    As for a more innovative strategy -- well we are talking about Microsoft. :-)

  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted

    I think anything that simplifies things is good. It seems due to peoples complex lives they are choosing simple because it's quicker and easier to deal with.

    I think it is good because to mimic google is good for me because I prefer google. Now if MSN changes their name to giggle I've got a problem with that.

    As a matter of fact if MSN changes their name to giggle, I'll wiggle. I hope that helps you...please don't sniggle.

    Is there anything else I can help you with?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE

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