
Topic: Student Questions

High Vs. Low Barrier To Entry In The Pc Business

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Does easy access to a distribution channel or small minimum efficient scale indicate high or low barrier to entry in the PC business? Why?

This question is based on recent investigate on apple's website's

My question is very urgent and it seems to be very important. Please try to guide me how to solve it. Thank you ....

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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    Your question suggests you are writing an essay for a
    school project. If this is the case, please let us know what
    YOU think about the issue first. Then we'll be happy to
    guide your approach.

    If you are a business professional, please remember
    that the quality of response you'll receive is DIRECTLY
    related to the quality of your question. Please frame your
    question as a case study. Describe the issues you are
    facing and be specific about what you want to learn.

    Either way, it's hard to answer your question as it's
    currently posted. Please provide more background
    information, so we can help you.

  • Posted on Member

    I actually did not get the ans to dat question.

    simply put...Is the barrier to entry in the PC industry high or low?



    Thanks so much.

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