
Topic: E-Marketing

"america's Highest Paying Blue Collar Job"

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I recently trademarked the slogan "America's Highest Paying Blue Collar Job" because it most accurately describes my job as a Paintless Dent Repairman or as I like to call it a Dent Repair Specialist. I am interested in finding out how I might best gauge the interest of individuals wanting to find out more about this as a profession using the aforementioned slogan. Admittedly, I know VERY little about the internet and even less about internet marketing so I thought it best to put the matter in the hands of professionals. I have registered the slogan under two categories with the USPTO, those being an informational website and have an intent to use application for c.d dvd in the same field which will give me something to sell. I guess my question(s) for now would be (A) how do I tell if my slogan or title or headline has "draw power" to bring people in and is there a way if it does (B)are there other ways (like links?) to generate income solely through disseminating information without selling a product. The truth be told I would love to see one of the big search engines pick up the slogan, run it on their home page, have millions of people click on "to see what it is" read the article to justify the slogan as a real live profession and then end up on their internet job board and get paid for doing that. I know, however that I've got to crawl before I can walk. Any help would be greatly appreciated
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    It appears you're asking how you can generate traffic to your website, and generate income either from the traffic or from people buying your training materials.

    A) The easiest way to see if your title has "draw power" is to see how many people searched for your keywords in the last few months. There are a number of tools (both paid and free) on the internet to give you some idea.

    B) Yes, you can generate income by having advertising on your website, but only if you have sufficient traffic to warrant it.

    Your underlying question is, will the slogan be enough to get people running to your site. The answer is, no. You have to think like someone you hope to attract to your site. Who are they? What are they searching for? Why would your site be ideal for them? What about your competition? There are a lot of questions, and I encourage you to spend time working on an e-marketing strategy to clearly identify your goals before you waste any more time or money. There are many experts on this forum that would love to help you (post the job at: Additionally, there are lots of books & articles on the topic. Don't forget your local SBA and/or SCORE chapters (also free).
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    "America's Highest Paying Blue Collar Job" works well as a slogan for a company selling the right for someone else to start up a business doing that job (whether franchise or a business owner selling the original business). For example, this would be great if posted as an ad in a franchise magazine.

    But it would not work well as an ad in the yellow pages looking for customers who need dents removed (they don't want to think of all the profits they are giving you, but instead want a slogan that tells them the benefit to them of using your service).

    The web address isn't as good, IMHO. You lost the value statement of it being the highest paying job, and just kept the part about doing work, so that won't excite potential business owners. And it still wouldn't tell a client of a dent removing service that their dents would be removed.

    On your question B - this confuses me. The slogan above only work if you have a high paying blue collar business that you are selling. A slogan is useless unless it matches to a business model.

    An alternate business model from selling a business is selling information. If you don't have a business that you would be selling/franchising yourself, then you have to get money through advertising other businesses that would benefit from being sold (and you collect a commission or advertising fee). But for this to work, you need to have some sort of draw for people who may want to see business, so that the people who have the businesses would be willing to advertise with you.
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Coolcollarusa,

    Your question A): "how do I tell if my slogan or title or headline has "draw power" to bring people in and is there a way if it does."

    Answer: Your slogan is very good and compelling but in today's world of Internet marketing it is not enough to drive people to your business. It is one part of the puzzle but there are more. People ultimately want real solutions to their problems. I think you need to validate your concept and to do so I recommend implementing a Google AdWords pay-per-click program. This will give you a good idea of the "demand" for people who want a better paying blue collar job, across a wide range of keywords and keyword phrases. Then, with this statistical information - real world numbers like impressions and clicks - in hand, you will have a much better idea of what directions to take.

    Your question (B): "are there other ways (like links?) to generate income solely through disseminating information without selling a product. The truth be told I would love to see one of the big...."

    Answer: If your website started to accrue enough traffic you could implement Google AdSense, but that is a long ways out. There are other ways but I would need to know more about your business plan etc.. to give any relevant advice. This is indeed the crawling before you walk that you mention.

    Overall I like your idea and the fact that you are delivering a real product i.e. showing people how to increase their income by becoming a dent repair specialist, which is a service that is only going to increase in demand and popularity is a good thing.

    I hope that helps!

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