
Topic: E-Marketing

Advice On Cpm And Monetization

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I have a website that launched in mid-September ( whose focused topics are about electronic payments. I'm currently attracting about 20,000 unique visitors per month which is tracked (not estimated) and verified by Quantcast.

I'm doing really well with Adsense on the site, and generating about a 60% average profit margin versus my daily Adword spend. I'm starting to now consider other avenues of monetization, and could use this forums help.

About 80% of my daily traffic hits pages on my site related to electronic billing and payment, so it seems that I have a pretty focused audience. I'm thinking that this audience may be of interest to large banks and billers who offer online billpay services, and I'm thinking it would be worthwhile to put together a media kit targeted at selling banner ads, links, and perhaps hosted product reviews to this audience.

I'm in need of some general advice from this group as to the best way to start down that path, and who I would typically sell website ads to in these companies (marketing group?).

Would the recommendation of this forum be to embark upon a PPC strategy, or a CPM strategy? And given the focus of this site and the companies I'd be selling the ads to, any guidance on CPM and PPC rates I could charge without getting laughed out of the place.

I know that generally these rates increase as your audience becomes a more targeted group, and I hope that that's what I'm developing here.

Thanks for any help you can give me.
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  • Posted by Clive Fernandes on Member
    Dear Jim,

    I would like to share an idea you can use to build a database of potential clients you can sell ads to. You can research the google ads on your site itself and see who pays for those ads. These will be companies that already do pay for advertising on the net, so you have a good chance of getting them as clients if you offer them a customized solution.

    Basically, you would be promoting the same clients as you are now, but by cutting out the middleman ( i.e. google)

    Hope this helps.

    Clive Fernandes
    Clive Fernandes Consulting

    P.S. Google's TOS do not permit you clicking on your own ads, but there is a tool in adsense that allows you to preview the url of your advertiser. You should use that.
  • Posted by Neil on Member
    You should at least look into PPC with Google. Maybe even run it for a while as an experiment to see how things go but don't give up too quickly. It takes a while to get it right.

    Remember the key is *not* to outbid everyone and be number 1. The key is to get the most clicks and conversions (however you define a conversion) for *your* budget.

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