
Topic: E-Marketing

Importing E-mail Campaign Results Into Salesforce

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
We are using Constant Contact for mass e-mail marketing and would like to tie the information from the e-mail blasts (bounces, opens, click-throughs, etc.) back to the contacts pulled from Salesforce.

It is currently a very manual process. We export all of the bounces and import them into Salesforce. Then we export all of the click throughs for one subject and import them into salesforce. Then we export all of the opt-outs and import them into Salesforce. We have not been able to find one report in Constant Contact with all of the information so that we can import back into Salesforce all at once.

Are any of the other applications better at handling this? If not, how do most people track the outcome of their e-mail blasts in Salesforce when the blast list is more than 500 contacts?
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Our company is Using Email Labs and doing the same thing you are. I tried to categorize by demographic (account exec) but it's a manual process to date. I'm hoping that one of the training sessions will shed light on an easier solution, but so far, no dice.

    Thanks for letting me know Constant Contact was limited too. Maybe somebody knows about Exact Target as well.

    Good luck.
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi vwashington,

    You have many options, but Constant Contact is not one of them. See them all here:

    Most of the email applications listed are very well known and with good reputations. Some of the better known I saw are Exact Target, CampaignerPro and Vertical Response, but I would suggest that you research the features set of them all to see what works best for you.

    Good luck, I hope that helps.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi Val,

    Hope all is well. This is Mark with OptinBuilders. We are an online marketing firm and we would be able to help you in this email campaign. It is possible to track all the information like the click throughs, responses. leads, etc

    Opt-in email campaign: - List rental based on your specific target market. We will undertake the entire campaign management right from designing, planning and positioning the campaign. With this you can track down details like leads, clicks, email response and opens. All we need is the content for the HTML template and we will undertake the entire campaign management.

    The client would be given a unique Username and a Password and they can login anytime on their convenience to view the live performance of the Campaign. This will help them in knowing:

    1) Number of clicks, leads, email responses and reviews (view the details with contact name, business name, telephone number and email address)
    2) Details and time
    3) Number of unsubscribe
    4) The client can download/ export the above either in Excel or Word format at their convenience.

    Also, view the demo of our nine yards of our Real-Time Email Campaign Tracking Platform at Please login to view its various features:

    Username: demo
    Password: open2007

    Please revert back to me incase if you need any further information.

    Also, Could you help me with your contact information so that i can take you through our email campaign tracking platform.


  • Posted on Member
    Hi Val,

    Could you provide me with your contact information and also coud you suggest me a convenient time for a quick call so that i can take you through our campaign tracking platform and show how it works

    Look forward to hearing from you.

    Let me know if you require any additional information
    you can reach me at
    [Email address and phone number deleted by staff. This belongs in the Member Profile, not the resposne.]

  • Posted by jkort on Accepted
    There are several email service providers that integrate with Our company, SoftVu, specializes in this type of integration and you can read more at
  • Posted on Accepted
    ExactTarget has a wonderful tool that allows the user to do no importing or exporting from/to Salesforce in order to manage email campaigns.

    ExactTarget for Appexchange

    (found here on the Appexchange:

    allows a user to use already product Salesforce Reports and Campaigns to send their emails and all tracking information - opens, bounces, links clicked, etc. are pushed back into Salesforce at the individual Lead/Contact level. It is a very helpful tool and cuts down on all of the time a marketer spends moving data.

    ExactTarget provides tools for all kinds of organizations and pricing is very competitive with other providers.

    I would check them out.

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