
Topic: E-Marketing

Tips For Marketing In It Company

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
i m a mktg manager in an very new IT company..
we are into sales of hardware and services( no software development)..
have to present a marketing plan in a few days..
the company does not have a very big marketing any kind of print or media advertisement is not in the picture...
so please send me some tip as to how i start my marketing plan...
i have already started up with email and fax marketing..kindly suggest a few more tips...n remember the BUDGET...
expecting some good suggestions...
thank you...
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Don't focus on how to do the marketing. Focus on who you're targeting, what problem of theirs you're solving, and what solution you're offering them. You need a marketing strategy before you have a plan to implement it.

    Once you figure out exactly who you're targeting, then you figure out the best ways to attract them, using your resources.

    Given you do IT, I would fully expect a website with targeted SEO to figure into your mix.
  • Posted by rthomas on Accepted
    If you have a limited budget, I would suggest building an affiliate network and work on word-to-mouth.

    Some thoughts...

    Treat your current and new customers like gold. Go above and beyond and they will pass on your info to their friends and associates. Also, throw in some referral cards / catalogs or fliers with all your orders. Follow up with your past clients, remind them that you are there and what you offer.

    Start up an email newsletter prospective clients and past clients can join. Spend some time working on designs and content for these newsletters, you have a lot of competition out there... Entice readers by providing discounts, coupons, items of the week/month etc.

    Start building an affiliate network. Either pay affiliates a cut of the sales they refer or trade ad space on your websites. If they are placing an ad or sending out a mailer, try to piggy back and cut both your costs.

    Search engine marketing can get expensive... but if you pick good keywords, it can be a source of quick leads/sales. Using Google Adwords for example, you can set your daily limit and start/stop ads at a click of a button. Great way push your site without committing to large budget print ads or banner ads.

    Good luck!
  • Posted by matthewmnex on Member
    Your question is far too broad :)

    I agree 100% with Jay above.

    Firstly, where are you located? USA, India, Philippines?

    How small are we talking? 10 people - 100 people?

    What kind of IT services are you talking about? What do you specialise in?

    What kind of hardware are you talking about? B2B solutions or B2C solutions?

    Define first what you can best sell quickly to generate cash, don't try to sell everything to everybody, you must find your niche.

    Understand who the competition is in your catchment area, what do they sell? how do they market it?

    How can you beat them?

    Better price?
    Better service?
    Better access to limited products?

    Once you have figured all this out then please come back and ask your question again :)


  • Posted by jkort on Member
    One low cost option that you should consider in your marketing plan is public relations. PR provides 3rd party credibility to your company and can be a great way to reach key influencers.
  • Posted by Levon on Member
    I would focus on the research component. Once you have some solid research - you can then carry on with a Marketing Plan.

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