
Topic: Student Questions

The Influence Of Culture In A Promotion Strategy

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
How cultural differences across different regions lead to variuos promotions strategies
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    One example of how it would vary is based using the U.S. as an example would be where you advertise. Around Miami, there is a large Cuban population, so promotions are often aimed at them. But these promotions wouldn't work well in Minneapolis, where there is a much smaller hispanic population.
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted

    whenever there are cultural differences across different regions this always leads to various promotional strategies. The promotional strategies are based on the demographics of the people who live in that region. The campaigns for these regions should have differences that are narrowly focused and defined on the many different cultural groups with in that region. Hope this helps. Is there anything else that I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    It seems like multi-culture marketing promotions have their entire strategies based on the regions and cultures they are trying to reach. Here’s a case study link.
    “Just as cultural advertising presents opportunities to enhance revenue and connect with an until recently largely ignored customer group, there are barriers to cultural advertising. Take the Asian-American group as an example. One of the largest barriers in the Asian-American culture is the inability to identify the micro segments and reach them. Currently, there are six distinct Asian dialects. This presents an enormous challenge in selecting the language for print and voice media. Thus, proper positioning of products is needed.
    Good cultural sensitivity translates to good product positioning. Product positioning is a function of how the product is perceived in the minds of the target market. It is therefore important to understand the targeted market in terms of language, culture, acculturation, and demographics. With this understanding, it may be advisable to further focus the advertising and position the product for viable audiences to maximize revenue and celebrate the diversity in culture.”
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    You wouldn't happen to be a student would you?
  • Posted on Member
    Read this book--it is an eye opener.

    "Understanding Global Cultures--Metaphorical Journeys Through 17 Countries" (Martin J. Gannon and Associates)

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