
Topic: E-Marketing

Boost Sales Trough E-mailing And E-marketing

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi, everbody

I need to boost sales from 8 different products. With ads in magazines, trade-shows and e-mail campaigns and mailing campaigns, i think i've good "tools" to boost sales.

what i ask is this:
- in e-mail and mailing what should i promote? The move to interactive materials (payed) or stay focused in product benefits?


- what's best? to offer a sub-product with a star product or develop strategies for each product and sub-product?

Thanks to everybody
All the ideas will be accepted
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    In emails, focus on a single product, with a single message. Your copy can clearly describe this products' benefits, and you can better segment your mailing to likely prospects.

    Different strategies may be necessary for each of your products based on your target demographic and their benefits.
  • Posted by flanger on Member
    Well, I think you should use something Mass-mailing' I use Massmailsoftware , check it at on their blog and site. It's really good, I'm using it for a year. Great sales.
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Miguel,

    You asked:

    - in e-mail and mailing what should i promote? The move to interactive materials (payed) or stay focused in product benefits?

    My reply: Promote your product(s) and/services that deliver the highest value by using compelling copy and images that will keep people opening your emails every time you send them. Of course this could be benefit centered, but if your interactive materials deliver value, then this would be O.K. also as long as you have a clearly defined conversion act that ultimately leads to a sale, if not this time (short-term), then sometime in the future.

    You asked:

    - what's best? to offer a sub-product with a star product or develop strategies for each product and sub-product?

    My reply: The answer here could be yes, and yes. It depends on what ultimately will bring in the most revenue. If offering a sub-product lays the breadcrumb trail to buying a star product with higher profit, then this is a good strategy. Think razor and razorblade.

    On the other hand, the beauty of email marketing is that you can segment subscriber lists by any number of demos/psychos and you can run split-tests of different combinations of sub-product with a star or individually developed strategies to see what draws the best response. I would strongly suggest you develop a strategy around these tactics.

    Develop, test, measure, develop, test, measure, develop, test, measure, develop......

    I hope that helps.

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