
Topic: Career/Training

Courses After Sales & Career Growth In Sales

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi friends, my name is Vivek Das.I have done my engineering in Electronics & Communication major.I have been selected to work in a globally reputed IT MNC in India as "Software Engineer" with concerned area as Application Development.I will have to join the company by march end 2008.At present i am in Kuwait with my family and i happened to grab a job as "Sales Coordinator" for SanDisk Products in the Kuwait region.The company that recruited me is a well established company in Kuwait and are the major dealers for SanDisk products with 85% market under them.Now the problem comes here.The pay package they offered me is a real real good one compared to what i have been offered back down in India.My plan is to work for 2 years and then take up an MBA in Marketing or Finance from a reputed college in India itself.I want you ppl to help me decide on which job i must take up and why??what is my career growth in sales???Browsing through the MBA college sites i found that 70% of the MBA professionals in India get recruited in IT and Banking Sectors.I wish to work in India or Abroad after my MBA.So if i take up the Sales job rite now will i be able to get into these IT or Banking sectors after achieving an MBA or should i stick to my IT Software Engineer job???Will i be able to present myself in the Indian Market after an MBA with Sales experience when compared to ppl with MBA with IT sofware development experience???What will my work profile be after taking up an MBA in "Marketing"???I also want to know what my work profile will be if i take up "Finance"???How will my Sales job benefit me after an MBA in Marketing or Finance???What will be my career growth if i work in Sales and then take a MBA???What will be my career growth if i work in IT Software Development and then take a MBA???

Please help me friends!!! and pls enlighten me with in depth knowledge regarding this issue and how the job market is for MBA Finance and also MBA marketing.

Thank You
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    Your sales experience will win out in the end run. Salespeople (especially thinking ones) are a valuable commodity in the business world. Here's why:

    Companies who do not know how to sell their products go out of business

    Leadership who does not think of customers and what the customer values - do not prosper

    Sales offers a unique opportunity to network throughout the company - often outside the normal departmental boundaries

    Hope this helps.. good luck
  • Posted on Member
    hey. this is my big time query i m rohit i m b-tech in electronics and comuunication passout in 2008 currently pursuing MBA-telecom from AMITY university in first year and now have to decide a specialization i m preety much puzzled wether to opt for specialization as a marketing or oepration as i m in doing my mba in telecom background so dont knw goin in marketing as specilzation into this is a feasible option or not bt also reluctant in operation as opening into this field is hardly . what i feel n other friends that i hav good presenting skills, plus i m easy able to make a friends or u cn say in a meeting i cn become easy accesible to strangers so such qualties help me in marketing

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