
Topic: E-Marketing

Email Campaign To List Of Friends For Side Busines

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi everyone -

In my professional life, I have been using email campaign software and permission-based e-marketing to clients of the various companies where I have worked.

Right now, I am launching a side business (Avon) and have a list of about 80 friends/close acquaintances that I would like to target. What is the best way to make sure they are comortable receiving Avon emails from me? Would you send an introductory email asking for opt-outs before sending the first campaign? I have to admit I am stumped. Thank you for your help!

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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    I'm sure the purists of the world will say that you should not send anything about Avon unless the people on your list have specifically asked for it.

    Having said that, if these people are your friends and "close" acquaintences, then you're probably ok sending these without asking for permission or providing an opt-out in advance. I'd just go ahead and send your emails and include an opt-out at the bottom that makes it clear that they can opt out from Avon-specific emails.

    If you want to take it another level, you could do the pre-send opt out and just say something like, "I'm starting a new business with Avon, and I'm really excited about it. Because you're a friend, I wanted to make sure you knew what I was up to. If you know that you don't want any email about Avon, that's not a problem, and I certainly respect your feelings. Just use this link to opt out now, and you won't get any more email about Avon from me. Thanks!"

  • Posted on Accepted
    I don't think you have a problem either with sending to your friends and associates.

    However, I would start using an email management service right from the get go. Here's why, sooner or later as you build your list, you're going to want to use a email management tool. If you outsource this, any legit service will want you to opt everyone back in through their service, even if they opted in with you privately.

    I've already been though this. When you try to opt people in again, you lose people. So my advice is do it now when you start.

    Here's a link to the best email management service I have found. Full featured and priced for the entrepreneur!
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Callie,

    The key phrase here is "friends/close acquaintances".

    What I recommend you do is send is an introductory email introducing your new venture to your friends and close acquaintances and explain that you are going to use email marketing as a way to keep them updated on specials etc.

    Mention that your privacy policy is that you will never share, sell, rent or in any way let their emails fall into the hands of another person/company.

    I agree that from the beginning that you should use a 3rd-party ASP like AWeber, Constant Contact... the list is long, and most don't cost more than $20 a month for what you need and provide full reporting etc.

    Don't send from your email server using Outlook!

    Any of the 3rd-party ASPs will have the mechanisms in place for these people too easily unsubscribe, and if you choose you can offer this in multiple places throughout the email.

    Now, you can 1) either draw attention to these unsubscribe link(s) by pointing them out, or 2) just leave them as they are and let people see them and make their own decision. Most people have come to expect that their will be unsubscribe links in an HTML email.

    If you do the former you will lose more subscribers than if you do the later.

    And, should you be thinking of double opt-in, you will loose 80-90% of your list, so because of the "friends/close acquaintances" nature, this is overkill.

    Keep the first mail simple. Briefly tell them what they can expect (give an example), how frequently you plan to send them and tell them what's in it for them (the value) to remain on the list, add some valuable content and a nice money-saving offer and I expect you will see very little attrition.

    Lastly, you can also ask them add the "from" email you use to their email client/spam program white list. Most of them won't but every little bit helps when it comes to the delivery of future campaigns.

    I hope that helps.
  • Posted by michael on Accepted

    They are your friends. It'd be foolish to NOT send it.

    They'll tell you if they don't want to hear from you about it. Send them something once a month or when the new catalog comes out.

    However, if Avon (corporate) wants you to give them your friends e-mail addresses for a newsletter sent from HQ, then you really need to check with them.

    Good luck !

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    If they're your friends, then call them or send them a handwritten note. It'll give you a chance to tell them about Avon, rather than assume they know what you're selling. Also - if you send them a note, enclose a gift coupon for their first order with you. That might also help pique their interest.
  • Posted by flanger on Member
    By me mind the best online mail company is their programs are so easy to use and helpful! I use 'em for a year so i'm not disappointed! Also you can subscribe to and get daily news on marketing and business! Stay tuned with MassMailSoftware, man.

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