
Topic: Taglines/Names

Personal Coach Website Names - Need Opinions!

Posted by tim on 500 Points
My name is Tim Keck and I own a consulting firm that specializes in coaching for execs and senior leaders. This year myself and some coaching colleagues intend to expand into the personal/life/success coaching market and I'd love your opinions on the following potential website names.

My current business is and this new effort will be a division of that company with it's own name and identity. What do you think about: - - - - coachnow - -

Does any of the above work? I am totally open to laughter and ridicule as well as any wisdom you could share - including new ideas for our site name.

Thanks for all your help. Y'all are great!

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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    I would not use anything other than a dot-com.

  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    I agree dot com is the only way to fly

    I would not worry all that much about adding coach to the url. There are way too many wantabe coaches out there all ready...

    Just a thought.

  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    I agree, .com is best-- though I'd do .org as a 2nd choice. It isn't reserved for nonprofit, but it gives a helping image.

    The CEO's I've worked with who have tried coaching are make it happen people. Or they're wanna be make it happens... In either case- you name should reflect that kind of strength-- or use your name. The firms they consult with -- lawyers etc don't have catchy titles or need them to sell their services.

    None of the suggestions do anything to do that. I know CEO's that tried coaching and got nothing out of it They found the coaches to be unable to give advice based on theory, without knowing what its like to make or lose big dollars in a day, and deal with the multiple challenges they face.

    Your names could be a coach of a kids basketball team. Think of a name that would catch an eye and go "ah ha".
  • Posted by tim on Author

    Valuable comments so far and good advice.

    CarolBlaha - Just as a point of reference, my company (Performance Insights, LLC) is already very successful at coaching for both leaders and teams. Clients tell us it's because of our practical approach which comes from my experience as a police officer (SWAT, narcotics, chief of police, etc). If there is one thing harder than making decisions that make or lose millions, its making decisions that save or lose lives.

    I am associated with a handful of other coaches who want to expand into coaching for people looking to get some direction in life - to become successful like you and I are. That's the point behind the new site.

    For executive coaching we don't depend on internet searches. We stay very busy through word-of-mouth. For personal coaching, however, we want to grow that base using the net. None of the current names may do that but my secret favorite is gps4life because is speaks to finding out where you want to go and then tracing a path to get there.

    Thanks again!
  • Posted by mdlugozima on Member

  • Posted on Accepted is a winner.

    Clearly states your service.
    Easy to remember and share with others.
  • Posted on Member

    Just remember, if it's possible make sure you register every possible TLD. If you can register .com, .net and .org, make sure you grab all three otherwise others will create a website with the same name in an attempt to steal your customers.
  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member is not available, although it does not look like they are doing anything serious with it.
  • Posted on Member
    Hi Tim,

    I personally think dont use the word 'coach'

    It sounds like a coach of some tennis coach

    give more information about what kind of consultancy is it ?

    u may try: or something like this which looks professional

    you may try sites such as or some other site
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Ideally, a .com for your new domain name (less likely to have name confusion).

    However, since you're already successful with a .net name, then it would make some sense to spin the name off of it (even though you'll be serving a different target market): (.com not available) (.net is available) (.net is available)
  • Posted by tim on Author

    Thanks for all the insights.

    Any time you ask a lot of smart and creative people a question, you're going to get answers from all over the board. And that's what we have so far.

    Don't hesitate to keep it coming. Now I have more to think about than ever!


  • Posted on Member

    I'd recommend using words that people will search on (as a consultant for SEO)
  • Posted on Member
    Use a .com. Although I'm no tech guru, I've learned a thing or two as a professionally trained personal coach who has had my shingle out for a while. Drop the "coach" -- get more targeted with who your ideal client type is -- or your market -- get tight with that niche' and don't be afraid to market directly to it -- if you do, you are not excluding potential clients-- you are drawing exactly the right ones to you. Less words is better when it comes to site name. Last bit of advice: everyone googles everyone these days -- especially when it comes to doing business with a coach or consultant. As the owner of the business - if you can own the domain that is your, and link it to your main site -- that would be good. If you think that you are going to need to make a name for yourself -- like publish a book or commence a seminar speaking career, let your name/domain be your main site, because, at that point, you'll be marketing yourself as the business. Hope that makes sense. Best to you. Mary Kurek
  • Posted by K.J.P. on Accepted
    hi tim,

    i hope the broth isn't too thick, but i couldn't resist joining in, as this strikes a personal note to me.

    it seems that you want to branch out from coaching executives and senior leaders to a more mainstream personal/life/success coaching market. i quite frankly like your but as i have read on, it is taken so you can tweak it to:

    i haven't done my bit of research on whether the names might be already taken so i leave that up to you plus the other technological action items.

    on a personal note, the quest for personal happiness, abundance and success is everyone's birth right, what we need to dispense with is the culture that it isn't, and by gollee, if you can let a lot of people know and guide them to focusing on what they want, and what they want to achieve via a road map, i'd be cheering you on.

  • Posted by tim on Author
    Thanks again to everyone for your input.

    Mary - appreciate the thoughts from someone in my field. I do own the url that is my name ( and it is currently linked to my corporate website.

    A couple of other coaches and I intend to take the new site and "spread the joy" directly to consumers. That will also help build a base as I slowly back off of corporate clients over a decade or so and go toward the slower pace of personal coaching.

    Yellownstripes - I so appreciate your enthusiasm. Far too many people forget their dreams by the time they are 30 (or younger) and miss the opportunity to live each day on purpose. I'd love it if you'd contact me directly thru the website above so I could visit with you about professional opportunities.

    Thanks again,

  • Posted by tim on Author
    Thanks soooo much to everyone for your unique perspectives and your valuable insights.

    It is very difficult to award points when so many posts were beneficial to me, but I went with the ones that aligned most closely with the direction I chose to go.

    gps4life it is!

    Muchos gracis to all. You guys are the best!!

    Tim :-)
  • Posted by K.J.P. on Member
    hi tim! i had sent you an email through the email addy on your profile and thought i could also drop you a note here just in case the email went wayward!

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