
Topic: Career/Training

Ma In Marketing And Management

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I have recently enrolled myself with University of Bradford,UK,in MA in Marketing and Management program for which I'd be proceeding to UK in september this year. I recently graduated from university in my country and had no work experience except for few internships. This is why I couldnt go for MBA. While I do not want to have second thoughts about my decision, I would like to know exactly how would this benefit me in my career. I am extremely passionate about marketing and it is out of this interest and curiousity to explore deep into this broad field that I enrolled in this program as I thought the subjects taught were really very good and interesting. Ofcourse MBA has a greater scope but would this choice of course help me make a great career in marketing, keeping in view my interest and passion in marketing? By the way, I just did my masters in public administration from local university majoring in marketing.
Your responses would be extremely helpful!
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    hi saadia,

    try some of there links,

    i am sure you will get some fantastic answers

    i hope these are useful

  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    Hi Saadia

    i believe MA in Marketing and Management will give you better and indepth foothold in your passion, marketing. MBA would have helped you if you had experience in marketing reated jos i.e. brand management, advertising, communication etc. So i would suggest you to go the MA in Mktg & Mgt and start a career. after 4-5 years of experience in marketing you can think of having an MBA depending on your career progression. That decision of doing MBA also depends on whether you want to return to your native country after completion of MA.

    Best of luck!

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