
Topic: E-Marketing

Samples Of Marketing Videos

Posted by Anonymous on 1000 Points
I am looking for outstanding examples of marketing video on the web. For example, I love the Delta SiteSeer campaign on YouTube, where employees were asked to post videos of their travel experiences (see a sample here: Video on the Internet will soon explode, and we marketers need to be ready. Let's learn from great examples.

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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    Video has already exploded according to The New York Times: over 71% of all Internet visitors in the United States watched videos online during the month of March.
  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    Here is a great example of a viral marketing video, featuring the bionic burger:

    The video capitalizes on the traffic and forwards on to a page that opts-in for a dieting product.

  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted
    Humor is always a vital part of viral video. One of my all time favorites is the Fosters Lager 'Foreplay' video.

    See it here:

    Of course, the folks at 42below Vodka have been masters of the viral video. The following links may offend folks so view at your own discretion, and, do be kid safe and don't let the kiddies view these ads unless you want to have a long discussion explaining things you may not feel exactly confortable explaining. Savvy?

    This 42below Ad was shot for the grand total of 150 bucks:

    Tom Paige makes some extremely good points about viral video in his Marketing Profs article here:

    Viral of all sorts, is appreciated.
  • Posted by Neil on Accepted
    Here is a very well done video on "RSS in Plain English." I think there approach is very easy to follow and entertaining:
  • Posted by Neil on Member
    I meant I think "their" approach is very easy to follow and entertaining:
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Roy:

    Realtors/Real Estate is one area, due to the visual nature and logistics, that is especially well-suited for video marketing.

    Here is one nice example that a client of mine uses.

    Most recently we used this as a link in an email marketing campaign.

    I hope that helps.

  • Posted on Accepted
    Here is a blog article I wrote about viral videos with 3 examples of B2B Marketing Viral Videos

    I agree that video is a great way to do marketing on the web.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Here's one I particularly like:

    The Story of Stuff

    It's a cause marketing video, and it's longer than most marketing videos. But the presenter is excellent and the production technique is really a winner, IMHO.

  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    Hi Roy,

    The link is working fine, it opened when I clicked on it above, but at any rate, here it is again, I have checked it multiple times.

    You might want to cut and paste it if it doesn't open for you.

  • Posted on Accepted
    I will put in the list of videos i know worked great on net:
    1. Macintosh ads (
    2. Amnesty Intt ran a Signature viral (
    3. Shera ceiling board's viral video, though it wasn't shown on net but it was a great hit as a viral (
    4. HappyDent Chewing gum, again a hugely popular viral (
    5. Dove Evolution
    6. Then Burger King came up with

    Most of these you can find covered on my blog:

    Hope it helps!
  • Posted by MKT on Accepted
    Hi Roy,

    I think that the best marketing videos are the ones that offer an advice/information but at the same time sell something. People surf the net looking for responses and not for advertising, so I think that an “exchange” of informational marketing videos will be the best unless you are looking for advertising videos instead of marketing videos.

    Here are a couple of examples of good Marketing videos, Dr. Mercola is a e-marketing guru he had build his empire offering advices and selling at the same time. This is video that explains how dangerous could be your cookware and at the end he “offers” a good solution that of course he sells.

    Here is another one from the same site, Lucy Lock shows how to prepare a healthy milkshake with her own product.

    I hope it helps!

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