
Topic: Career/Training

Am I Tired? A Need For Purpose Aligment

Posted by lrmarroquin on 500 Points
Hello MKProfs community! long time has passed since my last activity in this forum -I hope someone remember the times I started to show as an eager member but suddenly disappeared- now one year after I am back looking for the insightful and wise advise to have referrals for a coaching service.

I'll try to summarize the last track of my career and the plateau I am standing on: One year ago, months after a promising change of career in IT and a foreseeable growth at a multinational bank my ambitiousness took me to accept a rewarding job offer in international marketing for another multinational company yet this one without stablished facilities in my country.

The change was 180 degrees passing from being in company of hundreds to a company of less of two in the same country to the self service for administrative and commercial tasks and the ever increasing burden of work the business demands. In the motivation side I had the pleasure to deal in an international environment , a rewarding salary and the adventurous feeling of being almost for your own.

After a year of constantly fire-fighting and been unable to get through all my day’s work sacrificing my leisure time and health I find my self still challenged and energetic but unhappy for the unbalance of my life: I look tired, mentally unsharpened and stressed, dissatisfied for the ethics around....for....mmm...mmmm... see that is the main problem: for what? I feel like I have lost my destination port.

I had talked to my bosses about what bother me and some actions had been taken, beside it has been clear some things cannot be solved and to deal with this lacks needs "creativity", planning and a good attitude.

I am reluctant to believe I am not in the right place since all follow a purpose and the final decision of like or dislike is mine, after this journaling exercise I'll appreciate your advise who can I contact to have coaching services, please consider I am located in El Salvador Central America so most of the contact should be handled by internet.

Thanks for stopping by!

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    A coach may be the right therapeutic choice for you. Until then, here are some suggestions to give you some mental freedom:

    Start with a mini-vacation - it's hard to think when your exhausted.

    Learn to say "no". If you can't do your job unless you sacrifice all your time and energy, you're either doing more than one job or you're inefficient. People give you respect when you say "no" (and justify it).

    Learn to say "when do you really need it?" Oftentimes, people want everything ASAP. However, the reality is that they don't really.

    Re-evaluate why you took this job. Are those key needs being met?

    Get permission to have a 1/2 day to pursue a project of your own design.

    People often forget that if they start working late everyday, then everyone will simply take that for granted, and give you more work to do. Instead, learn to leave at the designated time, and let things not get done. Make sure management understands that your inability to get things done is not a reflection on you - it's an unreal expectation of theirs.
  • Posted by Levon on Member
    Seems like you need to outsource a lot of your work to assistants so that they can take the load off of your shoulders. Marketing is about management and management is about working smarter not harder.

  • Posted by lrmarroquin on Author
    Thanks all to your contributions.
    Square Peg I find it very interesting your referral, have you work with them? their approach seems very positive for international career seekers like me.

    Jay H, rediscovering limits is a must to think clearly and focus adequately, although it is logical -and merciful- to rest when you are tired seems I forget that and tend to turn it over.

    Levon, you touch one of the unsolved points for overworking: mixed functions of management and assistance. Due I don't have assistants under my direct control on each country I tend to perform the roles they 've missed.

  • Posted by lrmarroquin on Author
    Thanks all for your contributions, I need to be honest: I expected more names to be posted here anyhow all of you who responded did their best setting bright insights to redefine limits, purpose and to believe in them.

    See you around,

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