
Topic: E-Marketing

Future Features For Our Email Marketing Service?

Posted by Neil on 3500 Points
I work for the StreamSend Email Marketing service and we are always thinking about ways to improve and extend existing features and develop new features.

My question here is what features would you most like in an email marketing service that you do not see on our list here?:
StreamSend Email Marketing features.

This is an informal poll of the Marketing Professionals that frequent this forum and MP in general. You are our target market so your feedback is crucial. Keep in mind, you do not have to mention brand new features but perhaps and extension of a feature in a direction that interests you. For example, maybe you have used some email marketing services and the reporting did not include some capabilities that you wanted.

Maybe there is something that is not email marketing per se but you would most like to see as an add-on capability?

For the more technical among you, we do have a very nice StreamSend Application Programmers Interface (API) so maybe there are some more things there you might want to see in an email marketing service API?

I do not have any preconceived expectations on what suggestions will come from this post so am very interested to see what interesting things people suggest. Thank you.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Simplicity. Too much of the industry is focused on high-end features, but is neglecting the smaller business person who doesn't have time to learn the esoteric HTML commands, APIs, have an IT person, etc. Templates are a start, but why not offer a service (that you can outsource) to do it all for a company.

    Learning. Teach people how to grow their list. Show them what works in email campaigns & opt-in forms (using the metadata from your existing clients).

    Results. If users aren't getting the results from their campaigns, offer a consulting service to help them improve (again, using the metadata).
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    I feel their is a gap in your low end. Your competition offers a split somewhere between the zero and 10,000 emails.

    My typical client has 12-16 hundred contacts and sends just one or two emails per month. your service would be double that of constantcontact.

  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    ** No points sought for this response. **

    Naturally I should let Neil answer here, but I can't help myself.

    StreamSend used to have smaller account offerings (as low as 500 emails for $5.95 per month), but it seems that they are trying to go upstream a little. Given the great customer support they provide (disclosure: we are a customer), I can understand why they made this decision.

    Also, StreamSend gives each individual account its own IP address for improved deliverability. I can't see how they could continue to do this for an account generating $72/year in gross revenue.

    There are companies that charge hundreds of dollars extra per month for a private IP address, and you can have it with StreamSend as part of your regular service.

    Just my $0.02.

    Take it away, Neil!

    - Paul
  • Posted on Accepted
    I see you already offer integration with Google Analytics. You could possibly expand on that with offering an integrated Google Adwords functionality so users can run full campaigns through your site. It might even be worth partnering with an online advertising distributor for even more campaign reach in one place. For example, if a customer is running a time-sensitive promotion, they could run an e-mail campaign, adwords campaign and banner ads as well as full budget control all from one interface.
  • Posted by Neil on Author
    Paul, you are absolutely correct, we did eliminate the lower end accounts. Frankly, we were growing a bit *too* fast at the low end, which was concerning. We do not want to have a huge phone room of impersonal customer support reps but instead a core group of experts.

    However, we are thinking of splitting the difference and adding something to fill the "gap" with a 2,000/emails month account.

    Thanks for the excellent input from all so far. Does anyone know how to contact the moderator? Someone above has placed a very long post that is completely off topic to say the least.
  • Posted by joshuacrumbaugh on Member

    They may just be very similar to the templates on other sites, but it seems like I've seen nearly every one of those templates in the past. I might reccomend putting some real time into creating templates that are better than what everyone else is offering. This is just my opinion, but make the templates better and show previews of them on the front page.

    Thank you,
    Joshua D. Crumbaugh
  • Posted by Levon on Member
    How is black listing and white listing handled by the company - is there a way to put that into the features? Some sort of value added guarantee would be effective.
  • Posted by Neil on Author
    ah, great that you brought that up, Levon, we are working on some excellent automated reporting things in this area.

    We have even hired a full-time delivery specialist who will focus on these sorts of things. We have weekly live email delivery webinar and a recorded version.

    We are working on some reporting in this area and so on but what specifically would be useful in this area? Every customer of ours gets a private IP (not shared with other users) so we are a bit different than others. Levon and others, what specifically would you like to see in terms of delivery, blacklisting, whitelisting, etc., keeping in mind that all our customers get a private IP.
  • Posted on Member
    Standard packages for micro, home and smaller biz owners priced starting at $5.99 a month, going up incrementally till you get to your first $39.99 Something they could grow with.

    The ability to schedule emails. (not sure I saw that) and the ability to have up to 5 emails on "autopilot" for new subscribers. Not many ezine programs offer that feature. (here's how I use mine -- someone subscribes. I have three auto messages that go out in the first 2 months, just for them. Information, freebies, etc. They get my regular mail, but get "new subscriber mail, too".
    It's a way for them to get to know me and the products and services that I tell them about.

    Personally, I don't want an email system. I want a full ecommerce system (affiliate/shopping cart/autoresponder program) at a reasonable cost $89-99 per month to me is not reasonable. And the real lower end programs or open source have no customer service.

    I really like that someone can talk to a human at your place.
  • Posted by Neil on Author
    Yes, we have the scheduling and so on but we did get rid of the low end accounts.

    We are actively considering adding back the 2,000 emails/month account but the 500 emails/month is not coming back. We cannot sustain that sort of rapid growth at that level of service.

    As far as e-commerce we have an Application Programmer Internface (API) for integration with CRMs, databases, shopping carts, etc., but perhaps we need turn key plugins for the more popular products of this kind.

    The StreamSend API is designed to make integration with other applications very easy but it does require some programming knowledge. Pre-made plugins might be a good idea.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Given you don't want to support low end accounts, then team up with a reseller that does. Your 150000/mo account (for $209.90) means that a reseller can offer 500 emails/mo at a cost of under a $1/mo, and price it very competitively.
  • Posted by Neil on Author

    StreamSend does have a lot of resellers. Please see the StreamSend Email Marketing Reseller plan.

    For example, if a reseller has a 100,000 emails/month account with StreamSend and a client needs 3,000 emails/month, the reseller would reduce the quota to 97,000 and allocate 3,000 to the client, etc.

    The client would see when they logged in with their own login and password and would see your logo. We have a brandless version of the StreamSend Email Marketing Knowledge Base. You would point to that with

    Many of our resellers provide value-added services such as email template design and others do everything for the client. That is, the reseller will implement campaigns on behalf of the client and the client never logs into their account or perhaps logs in just to view reports and so on.

    Full service email marketing where you actually deploy campaigns on behalf of clients is a fairly wide open niche. We do not do it. We focus on improving our app and I do not think any of our direct competitors do it either. If you do not have responsibility for moving an app forward and supporting it, it is a great extension. Those of our resellers who offer this sort of consulting charge considerably more than we do for their services and make a good profit above what we charge them for their StreamSend account.

    We do have a limit on how many accounts a reseller can create, though, based on how much they are paying us. It is the dollar amount they are paying us divided by $5.

    So in our example above of 100,000 emails, the reseller would $160/$5 so would have a limit of 32 accounts before they would have to upgrade to 150,000 emails. So they would need to upgrade when they allocated their 100,000 or used 32 accounts, whichever came first. At 150,000 emails, the reseller would be paying us $210/month so their account limit is 210/5 = 42 and so on. Our resellers have no trouble making good profits under this system.

    Since this is Marketing Profs, I will reveal that though our "official" starting point for becoming a reseller is 100,000 emails/month, we sometimes have resellers starting in at 50,000 emails/month accounts. That is a pretty small investment to start a whole new business line and offer a new service with monthly recurring revenue for the reseller and, of course, value-added services the reseller brings to the table.

    So Jay, frankly, your $1/month scenario would not work with the StreamSend reseller program but there is considerable flexibility in what I have described above. Yours is an interesting idea but I am not sure we want that. Worth thinking about but my gut tells me not many resellers want to deal with $1 accounts.
  • Posted by Neil on Author
    MetasynMan, I like your idea on integrating further with Google. Can you elaborate on exactly what you mean?

    joshuacrumbaugh, Frankly, most of our clients create their own emails and templates. For that reason, we do not have a huge template library of pre-made templates. That is not really our niche. We will expand our template library over time but it is not our top priority.

    Most of our clients seem to have someone available who can create them a custom email and our clients have not really been demanding a larger template library. On the other hand, we do occasionally design a custom template for someone and charge $350 one-time fee to do it. We design maybe one or two custom template per week so it is not a big part of our business right now. We like doing it and could do much more but, again, most of our clients do it for themselves.

    Many of our resellers, on the other hand, do a lot of that sort of thing.
  • Posted by Neil on Author

    BTW, though our template library is small they were all created by a professional graphic designer so I doubt you have seen them used by other services.

  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi Neil,

    I am a StreamSend International reseller partner and most of my custumers, are asking me for a more multichannel integration as, each time more and more, many and important ESP are offering.
    I mean about RSS and SMS integration and also about RSS BLOG updates system such as FeedBurner, Aweber, Icontact and others are offering now.
    Another little improvement would be to include an alert email comm to the account owner, each time one person is successfully subscribed. Now we have to enter several times to the app to see the new subscribers....

    What do you think about this ?

    Best regards

    Raoul A
  • Posted by Neil on Author

    Those are all items we have been discussing actively. Thank you for your input as we have not made any decisions, yet.

    Your statement that most of your customers are asking for it is going to hold a lot of weight in our planning. We were planning a formal survey of our customers soon but this sort of informal thing is just as important.

    One of our internal staff has been pushing for SMS very hard.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted

    1. I've reported the off-topic poster you mentioned above to the mods.

    2. Deliverability is one big aspect that concerns me when thinking about using outsourced mail services.

    Specifically, having an e-mail go out with my company e-mail address on it that is sent from an IP address other than whatever my company's MX records resolve to, will trigger an alarm in many corporate mail filtering systems.

    I'm pretty sure other corporates would also be concerned. (If they knew).

    If you had a definitive response to that problem I think you would create a strong competitive advantage. You could make the advantage even stronger, by communicating the problem clearly.

    Hope that helps.


  • Posted by Neil on Author
    I am at a week long training session so will respond to this when I have time. Thanks for the input.
  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    ** No points sought for this response. **

    ChrisB -

    I think the solution to this issue is to set up a new domain name (or even a subdomain for your existing domain) that is just for email marketing and attach it to the fresh IP address that StreamSend provides to you.

    In addition, StreamSend is willing to assist customers with the implementation of many deliverability-related steps such as SPF records, etc.

    Finally, for those who really want to maximize deliverability, StreamSend offers a very attractive price on implementing the Habeas toolset. I won't post it here, but let me tell's very affordable and costs a fraction of what it would cost if you went to Habeas direct (or any other reseller, for that matter).

    - Paul
  • Posted by Mark on Accepted
    ** Disclaimer: StreamSend is a sponsor of my site **

    I would love to see more handholding by ESPs for busy marketers and newcomers in the form of automated alerts when something "goes wrong". Not in a mechanical sense, but in terms of a poor metric.

    So when you get an unusually low open rate based on past performance of your list, you get a red flag which you can click on and it takes you to an article on "improving open rates"...

    Rather than repeat myself, I wrote about this in detail elsewhere:

    A couple of other examples:

    1. System tags new subscribers by source and alerts you when one source under- or overperforms.

    2. System looks at address domains and automatically alerts you when a particular domain has low deliverability.

    Stuff that full-timers check themselves. But most people using ESPs have neither time nor expertise. Anything that automates this kind of actionable intelligence would be a great help.
  • Posted by Neil on Author
    I am been out of town for a few days and have not had a chance to look at the responses but the suggestions so far have been outstanding.

    Mark, we have been working on a dashboard on when things go wrong. For example, all our clients get a private IP and the dashboard would report if someone were blacklisted or something like that and links to how to take effective action. This will be very useful reporting.

    I will read your suggestions in more detail and see what we can add beyond what we are working on now. Then I will bring it up at my next meeting with the team (in early May), which includes the CEO, our deliverability specialist, head of development, head of support, the StreamSend product manager, etc.

    In fact, I am going to try to compile a number of these ideas from this forum for the team. We are always working to improve and extend StreamSend and we want to pick up the tempo of this effort. We've hired more developers to make that possible.
  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted
    Dear Neil

    I hope that this is better late than never – I’m just launching a new product and a new company.

    You make a very good case about the expense of handling small accounts, but with the phrase, “From tiny acorns---“, ringing in my ears, I think that you neglect this sector at your peril. Favouring the of securing of larger pieces of business through unique offerings and competitive advantage means that your search for new customers will always involve the filter of size or the scale of effort they are prepared to commit to when new to email marketing.

    In other words, your new business sales people are going to get told to piss off more frequently than is good for their mental health. Personally, I think that you can overcome this barrier by an element of self service and by providing customer support at a commercially profitable rate.

    To an extent, we do the same with CRM software and Forecasting solutions. We don’t want to sell a few licences for a DIY job and then be expected to service thousands of accounts with a few users each, encountering endless problems because it takes 6 months to learn Maximizer CRM practice to be able to install and configure a system in a commercially viable time-frame.

    In fact, we don’t have a single success story where a one or two user licence has been self-installed and configured and blossomed into a multi-user site of happy, highly focussed and configured users!

    Instead, if people won’t buy some services from us, we decline to sell. It’s the “Buy some services” bit which I think that you can replicate with StreamSend.

    I accept that under your current structure that small accounts are unprofitable and to lose money on 90% of them whilst 10% turn into profitable customers over, say 3 years is probably an invitation for you to go bust.

    If however you take all the aspects of a smaller email campaign and put them on a self-service website, you can overcome this. The users will inevitably hit problems, so will need to have a technical support and development resource allied to making these accounts work properly. To make my model work, you will need to charge a commercial rate for this support and make the fact that it has to be paid for an item in bold print on your contract and on your website offering. That way, if you get overwhelmed, you are being profitably overwhelmed and therefore capable of adding to your support staff.

    Also, when looking at your competitive model, you must realise that on the mid-range accounts and larger accounts, you are up against us in the bespoke CRM arena where, contrary to our dislike if DIY software systems, we encourage DIY email activities!

    Here are some “State Secrets”

    A typical CRM system in our area costs around £400 / license / user for the software.

    For a single user through to about 5 users, we can configure and install the software in a day. We can even train the users of a small system on the basics on the same day – say about £800. Support is variable, but if the users are trained and the system professionally installed, it works out at about £80 per user per year, paid monthly.

    It is therefore entirely conceivable that a company can go from nothing to an in-house CRM based email marketing capability for as little as £1300. For a further days work, we can configure auto-response software to trace, track and analyse every email shot with the added advantage that positive responses are batted to the CRM system and the relevant salesperson for as many email campaigns as the user wants. When they need to add to their prospecting pool, email addresses and names, associated address and company details can be purchased and loaded onto the system.

    An office with 10 users would obviously cost more, but we are still looking at about £7,000 for a CRM system which will handle as many emails as you want as often as you want and which is available to all staff, with the added value of having a conventional CRM system for all other activities, such as service, sales forecasting and so-on.

    If you don’t go for these types of smaller and medium size account, you will lose them to our community, because once an organisation has started to see success from an internally generated email and see the benefits of having access to all the metrics, they have to become very large users of email marketing before they will even consider using your services. This might seem a bit bonkers, but I appear to be advising you not to neglect a sector in order that you will compete better with us!

    Whoever said that we look too much after our own vested interests at MarketingProfs! In reality, we see our smaller users using CRM to do emails, medium users tend to split the burden over email service providers and their own system whilst large users farm out most New Business Development email work to a third party because they do not want to have their CRM system cluttered with email-list fodder.

    Good grief – Boris Johnson, the Conservative party Candidate has just been announced the winner of the election for Mayor of London, so I’m off to celebrate as I can here the sound of the party from here!

    Best wishes

    Steve Alker

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