
Topic: E-Marketing

To Blog Or Not To Blog?

Posted by NatashaChernavska on 125 Points
Hello everyone!

It's nice to get back with a question.

I have an idea to start blogging in order to promote my website, my services, as well as myself as a contractor for web services and analysis.

I am planning to write about usability, user experience, and such things as progressive enhancement approach in web design, visual part of web design. I will probably do some analysis on website usability for some projects once in a while.

I would appreciate if you could give me tips which blogging systems (websites) are the best for the subject of my future blog.

Any additional advises are welcome.

Thank you in advance!

Natasha Chernyavskaya.
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  • Posted by Neil on Accepted
    The standard advice I get from people on blog or not to blog is whether you have something to say that you have some passion for saying. If you have that, then the technology is probably less important but certainly worth considering.

    As far as technology, my firm users Blogger, which is integrated with Google. It works well.

    There are others out there worth looking into as well.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Pick a blog that has a template/theme that you like professionally. Your don't want your choice of appearance to conflict with your message.

    It really doesn't matter which system you use for blogging. Here's one list of blog hosts:

    As you know, you want the same look for your blog as for the rest of your site and you want to host the blog on your site, rather than use a blog host. Therefore, pick a blog that allows you to customize your appearance/theme to match your site.
  • Posted on Accepted

    Starting a blog is a great idea! You will see numerous benefits from it. Regarding what system to use, I would suggest WordPress at

    WordPress is the most customizable blogger out there and in my opinion is the easiest and most intuitive. I would suggest downloading the software onto your hosting server and administer it that way...there are many tutorials on the net to do this for any hosting provider.

    Hope this help,
    Zack Pike

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