
Topic: Strategy

How To Attract Customers To My Site?

Posted by errollf on 500 Points
I have a website called "Ask the Minister" were I give advice to people. I charge $9.95 per question when someone wants my advice. I need the experts to give me more creative ideas on how I can charge my customers for my services. Also, give me ideas on how I can combine free consultation with the fee. Thanks Nicole
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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member

    On what sort of subject matter are you giving advice?

    - How to dump your girlfriend?
    - How to remove cranberry stains from carpet?
    - How to marry a millionaire?
    - How to service your auto transmission?

    You need some focus. There's a million self-help sites out there and you've not indicated what kind of help you're offering.

    Give the experts here a fighting chance by providing some more background, and maybe a link to your site (fill out your profile) and you will get some meaningful answers.

  • Posted by michael on Member
    Matthew 10:8.

    I'd start there.

    Not talking about "muzzling the ox" here.

  • Posted by adammjw on Member
    I understand teh you do not have the problem with the traffic to your website, but with the conversion rate i.e. not enough people ask your advice.Is it right?
    Chris's questions are to the point.How competent are you in answering the questions and how can you prove your competence before the money is on the table?
    Can you prove your help did solve some problems?
    If so what's the scope of your competence and know-how?
    If you are that confident that your advice is really helpful prove it.Let the askers pay the price according to how they value your advice.You might only suggest that quite often people who used your advice and found it helpful paid....$.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Charge by the minute instead of by the question.

    Have them ask their question, and quote them a fee for responding (this way you could make it a free consult or a set fee).

    I've you're a non-profit, have them make a donation in exchange for your helpful insights.

    Have them set the fee for the value of their question.
  • Posted by errollf on Author
    Let me give you all a little more information about me. I am a ordained minister and a Certified Family Teacher who have a following of repeat clients who come to me all the time for my advice and opinion with life issues. My website is called "Ask the Minister" where customers ask for my advice through e-mail. I am like a life coach/life adviser/expert. I have years of helping clients who continue to come back to me for more advice and who also recommend new customers to me. I'm not non-profit but need the experts to give me lots of creative ideas on how to price my services to my clients.
  • Posted by adammjw on Member
    Given the nature of your counseling I do support my opinion that your clients could best figure out the value of your advice.Some of them will find it worth much more than $9.95 and will pay accordingly,while others may not value it too much.Thus you leave no money on the table for those who are eager to pay more and do not overcharge those who do not use your advice.
  • Posted by errollf on Author
    I thank all for your input, but I still have not receive a answer to the second part of my question. I am looking for creative ideas on how I should price my service only. Thanks!

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