
Topic: Student Questions

4p's On Coca Cola

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am studying my Introductory certificate in marketing and i have to do the 4P's on coca cola.

I have loads of information about the product and promotion im quite good at but im not really sure what angle to take on the price and place.

I thought about looking into the the different prices that you can buy a can of coke for, and analysing in to why they have such a wide price range. Talk about distribution methods and whre you can buy a can of coke from.

Or should i be looking more at the pricing that coca cola charge thier business customers, the wholesalers that buy 1000's at a time and to avoid looking at the price us consumers pay.

I know everyones busy but a point and a nudge in the right direction would be great.

Thankyou in advance
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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    Distribution is also known as Place this would be handled by the beverage distribution company which in many countries is Coca Cola themselves. Packaging is pretty easy and straightforward. Product, is actually the many product lines whether it be Vanilla Coke, Sprite, Dasanni Water, Diet Coke, Rasberry Coke. Yes, you will want to know what the store pays the manufacturer to calculate price.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    If you were looking at this from the company's standpoint (as if you were an employee of the company), you would look at the price and place that the company directly sells it to (so to the wholesalers or distribution channel). This is considerably less than what the end customer pays.

    But it is also hard information to find. So I suspect your instructor would be fine with you just providing the price and place information of the sales to end users. Information about how it is sold through vending machines, groceries, convenience stores, restaurants, etc., and at what price for each.

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