
Topic: E-Marketing

Looking For Good Lead-gen Strategies

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am working with a smaller tech company that is looking for strategies to generate high quality leads for a more complicated product. The target buyer would be an IT manager.

Any good recommendations or resources I should consider?

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  • Posted on Member

    try They provide leads and marketing packages that target straight to the CIO of companies.


  • Posted by Levon on Member
    Plus there is always targeted media buy to the publications that techie's read. Also - forums, video posting, blogs and article blasting geared towards this segment would also build traffic and leads on the cheap.
  • Posted on Member

    Can you be more specific than just IT Manager?

    IT manger is very broad. Do you mean Network IT, security etc. What is the service or product you are offering?

    I can then directed you to the right sites etc...

    Thank you

  • Posted on Member
    Hi ,

    Hope all is well. This is Mark Adler with OptinBuilders. We would be able to roll out email campaign based on your target criteria and would be able to provide you with leads, etc. We would provide you with complete tracking report of the campaign like email responses, click throughs, open rates, CTR, etc and leads, follow up details etc. PLease suggets me a convenient time for a quick call so that i can take you through our email tracking platform and can explain you how we would be able to generate leads for you.

    Let me know if you require any additional information.

    to contact me offline visit my profile and you can get my contact info.
  • Posted by melissa.paulik on Member

    You might look into They own several different properties including,, etc. These are all targeted at corporate IT types.

    For these and other sites, here are some recommendations for maximizing success:

    1. Test. See if they will allow you to sign up for a quarter instead of the whole year so you aren't sinking too much of your marketing budget into something that is untested.

    2. Know your target cost per lead. If you are going to test, you need to make sure you know what a positive result is. I have a benchmark cost per qualified lead that most campaigns need to hit in order for me to repeat them. Obviously an acceptable cost per qualified lead is going to vary dramatically based on your product or service.

    3. Test based on qualified leads. These sites usually promise a certain number of leads. Keep in mind what they call leads are usually just inquiries. 90% of what I get is complete garbage. But, since I know my target cost per lead, this doesn't matter. If the remaining 10% meet my qualification requirements and I can meet my target cost per lead, the campaign is well worth it.

    4. Carefully consider the "assets" you decide to post on these sites. The individuals you work with for sites like these don't know your target market. You will know best what will resonate with your audience and get them to respond. For me, it's things like automated demos. For you it might be white papers.

    5. Watch how these are posted on the site. Again, since the individuals you work with don't know your products and services, mistakes can be made. Our products were originally listed under CRM, which has nothing to do with what we offer, so our first batch of respondants was a complete waste. But, that was my fault for not paying more attention to what they were doing. Hopefully you can learn from my mistakes!

    Best of luck to you!

  • Posted by Bambi on Member
    If it is a complicated product that takes some demonstration and conversation with the target, I would be looking for trade-shows/events that deliver IT Managers, to support/or be supported by email, online ads, trade publications...

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