
Topic: E-Marketing

Engaging Facebook Content

Posted by Jessica_Castro on 250 Points
I have created a group on Facebook, and started the advertising for it. The PPC style took me a while to grasp but now that I have gotten a few clicks here and there, I think that my content might not be engaging enough, seeing as there is none. I have attempted to start discussions and create more of a friendly feel, but I'm stuck. What should I include in my group that is very engaging for readers and addresses a broad demographic?

Any social media guru's who can help would be greatly appreciated. You can click on my profile for more info about my company.
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  • Posted by Jessica_Castro on Author
    I meant to make this question worth 250 but for some reason it registered as 25 it will be changed soon. Thanks!
  • Posted by Tracey on Member
    What's the topic of the group? You may not want a broad demographic -- perhaps a niche audience will work better.

    I like the RED campaign on Facebook; it's pretty engaging. Also, check out Cordarounds... great social media campaign. Photos and videos have good appeal.
  • Posted by Jessica_Castro on Author
    Well it would be DNA Testing for both Private and Legal purposes, and Forensic testing...I really want to target everyone, because it could pertain to anyone.
  • Posted by Tracey on Member
    Well, the thing is, 'everyone' will not want to join your group. You could have the best content out there, but I would have no desire to join a DNA testing group... and I would have a very low likelihood of being your target consumer anyway. I'd suggest you segment your audience and prioritize. Why do people use your services -- proof of paternity? custody battles? healthcare?

    To be honest, I'm not really sure *how* you would target those interests on Facebook, or if people really look for that kind of serious advice on FB.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    I tend to agree with Tracy. There are many social networking sites that would better fit your situation. Also, if you create a video or a video series, you can upload and share them on many sites;

    Check all the sites on this link:
  • Posted by Harry Hallman on Member
    The main concept of social networking is to provide something relevant, helpful and interesting. Instead of "selling" DNA services, provide a real reason for people to engage. I don't know enough about why people would want DNA testing so I can not help you there.

    Also, Facebook may not be the best site for you.
  • Posted by Jessica_Castro on Author
    The point and the transition we are trying to make here is that DNA Testing is not always this taboo, Jerry Springer topic. Many people need DNA Testing for Immigration purposes from all countries I've discovered, not just "3rd world" or "NIC". DNA Testing can be a helpful safety tool as well. We offer DNA profiling for children in case anything ever happens (god forbid) so that parents can have this necessary information on hand to be able to provide to law enforcement. I mean I even have a woman that I speak with on a regular basis who paints portraits of people based on deep ancestry of DNA. That could be used for terminally ill patients. DNA has so many different applications.

    I know this topic is not seen in the best of light, but that is exactly what I'm trying to change with this facebook group...
  • Posted on Accepted
    Are you using their ads or using their groups?

    Both have pros and cons.

    I've used ads and got good results. They allow you to use as many ads as you want in one campaign without costing you more per ad in each campaign so try different approaches and see which gets you more clicks.

    This may sound odd but I genuinely got far better results using brightly colored pictures. Way higher CTR. And the CPC was much lower.
  • Posted by Levon on Member
    Try Ning - they allow you to customize your own unique social network.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I believe that you should continue to test Facebook (but include others).

    You mentioned the lack of content - that needs to change. You can add an app that automaticlly imports posts from a blog.

    More importantly, you need to start off your discussion board with questions that people can respond to and also encourage posting on the wall by posting something encouraging activity.

    As soon as you identify some super users, make them admins, giving them some visibility, a sense of pride and some ownership.

    You should also use the post option to post links to relevant articles around the web about dna testing and consider doing a video to welcome people to the group and explain what it is about.

    Lastly, change your status to promote the group to your 'friends'.
  • Posted by Jessica_Castro on Author
    David I have already sent invites to all my friends and I think that I might try to send another text add out for PPC just keep things fresh...I think my content might be keeping some people away as well.

    Levon, although that sounds extremely interesting I really don't have the time to set it up. That will probably be something I explore later this year.

    Would it better suited if I didn't name the group DNA Testing and Forensic Testing? If I should change it, what should I change it to?
  • Posted by Tracey on Accepted
    I think the DNA Testing name would definitely throw people off. What about getting involved as an active poster or contributor into other Facebook groups -- such as child safety and immigration groups?
  • Posted by Jessica_Castro on Author
    Thanks for all the help guys!

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