
Topic: E-Marketing

Experience With E-mail Deployment Systems

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi! My company is currently using an e-mail deployment system created by Paramount Communication Group (they use Bluehornet as a software vendor). Does anyone have any experience using these systems? What do you think? Are there other systems we should be looking into that you use and feel are beneficial?

I ask because we are experiencing some set backs in what we would like to do in terms of deployment, statistics, processing times, etc. and was wondering what other systems people were using. Thanks for your responses!
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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    If you are not happy with a service, then it does not really matter too much what others might think of it.

    What are your specific issues?

    As you know, email marketing services are priced all over the map, and you don't always get what you pay for. (And in some cases, you actually get *more* than you pay for.)

    A few years ago, I co-authored a definitive guide to selecting an email marketing service provider for MarketingProfs, and I have followed the service offerings of most of the major companies and many of the mid-sized services, too.

    If you can share your specific hot buttons as well as some insight as to how you use email marketing (scope, frequency, etc.), I may be able to help.

    If you are not comfortable sharing this information in this forum, email me directly.

    Good luck.

    - Paul
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for your response, Paul! I will definitely email you directly.
  • Posted on Member
    I would look into Send Studio by Interspire if you want it to run on your system. It's very good.

    If you want a system that is hosted by a provider, I would check Aweber
  • Posted by joshnason on Member
    Using a web-hosted solution is always better as you can access it anywhere at anytime. Often when people do their own thing in-house and if they have no real technical lead to support it, it's a disaster.

    I know Paul offered his assistance, but I'd be willing to give you some feedback based on what you're trying to do and what your pain points are. I haven't heard any real bad stuff about B.H., so I'm interested to hear what you need to get accomplished.


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