
Topic: Student Questions

Trying To Pick A Name And Tagline For My Gym!

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
I am opening a club this winter and need to find a name that is catchy and pulls people in. I do not want anything to wordy, but something that will attract both men and women in. My plan is to eventually franchise these clubs out so I want something that people will remember and not your "typical" fitness names. It is a fitness and nutrition center offering, cardio, machines, free weights, group classes, daycare, tanning and personal training. I am also looking for tagline to stick in peoples mind. I welcome ALL creative ideas, different is good!!!!
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  • Posted on Author
    We are a small town gym with a big town feel, and really focusing on training in the real world using what you may have in the home. We also are focusing on working with diabetics, but we really want to focus on helping out the mom, dad, grandma and grandpa's out there that just want to get into shape so they can play with their kids and grandkids, etc.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Top Bod
    Slim & Strong
  • Posted by mdlugozima on Member
    Brave's Gym
    Real World Gym
    Real Results Gym
    Real Life Results
    Muscles For All
    Strong For Long
    Fit For All Gym
  • Posted on Member
    The persistent myth is that good creative springs spontaneously from a flash of brilliance. Fact is, it's almost always the natural result of careful, original thinking about the intersection of product differentiation and customer need.

    Consider this... what you offer is not a gym. It's a different body and a better life. It's change. It's a new You. A better you that will live longer and better because THIS GYM isn't just free weights and exercise programs. You are people helping people achieve something life-altering that they can't get anywhere else--the consistent excitement and personal will to reach their fitness potential.

    Here are a couple ideas working from that perspective:

    Willpower Fitness-- get more life out of life.
    Life Force-- more than a gym.
    Verve-- your best is yet to come.
    Energie Fitness-- get fit inside.

    You get the idea. Take out a thesaurus (or better yet, hire a writer) and come up with a bunch more of these. From the long list, narrow it down to a short list. Then, test them on real people in your target market (people who don't know you or your idea). That last step is crucial. Don't spend piles of money before you're confident it rings true with your audience.

    Finally, take steps to be sure your customers' experience of this name and tag will match or exceed the promise.

    Best wishes,

    Jaime Collins

  • Posted on Author
    So far these sound great. I am really looking to capture a name that will not intimidate the first timers to the gym, but also be tough enough for the elite athlete.

    I like the concept of its time for a change or no more excuses, but something simple and right to the point!!

    A name so simple and unique but it rolls off the tongue and you can't help but remember it.
    Thank you
  • Posted on Member
    I was immediately attracted to your username - Image Evolution.
  • Posted on Accepted
    The strength of a good name/tag is in its focus. Trying to appeal to both first timers and elite athletes scatters your brand. But, maybe there is another way to differentiate. Let’s explore a few ideas:

    Maybe you could turn traditional gym marketing on its head by re-inventing the standard gym membership in some way. Example: be open 24/7. The right lock system and gym design could permit members who pay a premium (and who pass a basic safety test) to come in at all hours without club personnel present.

    Or, you could create a new, trademark-able approach to training. Maybe your “system” identifies members individual strengths and helps them pursue the perfect fitness goals… something they can be passionate about. The automatically repositions the competition as boring, monotonous, painful, and routine.

    Maybe you forge an agreement with a local hospital to provide PT and PT consults several days a week to elevate your place from a room with equipment to a gym with medical expertise. Now that's something both beginners and the elites could see value in.

    Passion – love your gym.
    24 – get fit on your schedule
    Gym 24 – there when you need us.
    Fit U – the smart way.
    Med Fit – reach your true potential
    Med Fit – home of the “perfect fit” training system.
    Stars Gym— we make things possible
    Stars Gym – reach beyond.
    Fantastic Joe’s Gym– because no one is average
    Jupiter Gym – far out work outs
    Jupiter Gym – reach higher

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