
Topic: E-Marketing

Would Like To Know More About Personalized Url's

Posted by jlacroix on 250 Points

I have read alot about PURL's and wondered if anyone has done them. What type of campaign did you do using PURL's? If you have done PURLs, do you have any case studies or results.

Also, if you have any recommendations of companies that do this type of technology, I'd love some suggestions.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    I haven't yet used them, but have researched them.

    Here are some statistics:

    And here's low-cost software that will allow you to do this yourself (or with the help of your IT people):
  • Posted by lgallagh on Accepted
    According to the IDC, the industry has about a 28% adoption rate to Personalized URL. (note. the term PURL is trademarked). Typically used in direct mail or in transactional print (e.g. credit card statements) as part of an integrated campaign.

    Depending on what type of response your are trying to achieve, a Personalized URL can provide varible data web content based on survey questions answered or business profile rules. Meaning the content can be based on user vs. a static webpage. Also the reporting tools differ among the Personalized URL packages. The more you spend, the more tracking and other options you will receive. Also, more advanced software will even allow you to send email out within a specified time period once they have entered the personalized site with clicked upon offers

    I believe that the early adapters of personalized URLs will end out ahead of the gang if they start now.

    I recommend: for more information

    Thanks and good luck.


    I recommend

  • Posted by Clive Fernandes on Member
    Dear Jill,

    As the industry gets more competitive it is necessary for new techniques to evolve so as to allow one firm to have the edge over another. PURLS are a step in that direction, and I feel in time; using them would not be an option but rather the norm, due to the ease at which they can be setup.

    According to the article 'PURLs of Wisdom', Personalization allows direct mail, which traditionally has less than 2 or 3 percent returns to obtain returns greater than 5 percent.

    Also Lee, are you sure you did not mean to recommend as a site for more information?

    Hope this helps.

    Best Regards,
    Clive Fernandes
    Clive Fernandes Consulting

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