
Topic: E-Marketing

Email Tracking Software

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I am looking to send out mass emails and to hire a company to do that. I wish to try out several companies, and I want a tracking software that has the capabilities of tracking the emails of each company to let me know the success rate of each, so I can make an educated choice of which one to use for all of my campaigns. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    You can certainly send out your emails yourself, using a service such as listed at:

    Any company that you hire should likewise be able to provide their results of delivery, clickthru, bounce, opt-out, etc.
  • Posted on Author
    Yes, but their tracking is sometimes not legitimate. I know cases where the company tracking results are vastly overstated and are not close to the customers own tracking results. That's why I want to install my own tracking software to test their results and compare different companies.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Awebber is a great one,
  • Posted by Neil on Accepted
    Many email marketing services offer a free trial. My recommendation would be to try several and pick out the one that meets your needs.

    Frankly, no service is going to let you install your own software for tracking as most of these are hosted services (meaning the email marketing software runs on the ESPs servers). You could use something like Google Analytics to help, though.

    If you do a free trial of a few services you will get a good feel for which service best fits your needs.

    I work for the
    Posted by Neil on Member
    Many email marketing services offer a free trial. My recommendation would be to try several and pick out the one that meets your needs.

    Frankly, no service is going to let you install your own software for tracking as most of these are hosted services (meaning the email marketing software runs on the ESPs servers). You could use something like Google Analytics to help, though.

    If you do a free trial of a few services you will get a good feel for which service best fits your needs.

    I work for the StreamSend Email Marketing service. We are a permission-based email marketing service and offer a 30-day free trial. A number of our competitors offer a free trial as well.
  • Posted by Tryswitch on Accepted
    Hi Richv,

    We have been using this company for our email campaign
    they also offer free trials you can use their free trial to see if it meets your need.

  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    Yes, but their tracking is sometimes not legitimate. I know cases where the company tracking results are vastly overstated and are not close to the customers own tracking results.

    I have never, ever heard of this in a case where the customer is managing its own list and using the third-party solution for deployment. I guess I can't say that it has never happened, but I've never heard of it. It would be kind of dumb to "enhance" open and click-through rates.

    It is possible, however, that a click on an email campaign may not turn into a hit on a Web page, however. If the clicker jumps off the page before the tracking code has a chance to load, it's possible.

    I am thinking that the overstated results you are talking about relate to list rentals. This happens all the time with the less reputable providers. You order 100,000 names, they send out 1,000,000, you get 10,000 opens and--voila!--you have a "10% open rate." Magic.

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