
Topic: E-Marketing

Redirect "public Domain" Product Mentions To Site

Posted by Tooch on 500 Points
Is there a way to redirect "public domain" mentions of your product name to the product website?

So for example, a news article is published on the web talking about heading back to school. The article talks about acne and the interviewer happens to mention that she uses one of our company products to treat her acne.

Is there a way to tap into that mention and have the product name link to the product website?

My initial sense is that there is no way of controling this type of mention because the content belongs on a site that the company has no association with. However, I throw it out there for consideration and to provoke some feedback and maybe a solution!
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  • Posted by Mikee on Accepted
    To my knowledge there is no way to force content on other people's pages to link to your page. As a web master I would have huge problems with people creating links on my sites without my knowledge. If you could do this it would seem like a great way to get people very upset at you.

    You can monitor info on the web using some google tools (Alerts that you can set if you have a Google account) that will allow you to see what others say about your product/company. You can then request them to link to your site, but this would be done individually and could be pretty time consuming.

    If they have Google advertising on their site there is a chance a Google ad would show on their site if you had adwords set up and were displaying on the content network.

  • Posted by Tooch on Author
    Thanks Mike,

    I appreciate the info on google alerts. I have a google adwords account, are the alert tools in there? Or is there another account I look into? I realize that it would be time consuming but it is an option that I could raise for internal discussion and evaluation.

  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    I concur. Using an alert which can be set up using, . You simply list for an alert whenever your product name is mentioned.

    By the way, I have been semi successful with simply asking people to link my mentions back to their respective pages. Also, consider sponsored links if the site has enough traffic.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Google Alerts can be found at:

    I get emails daily on mentions of keywords that are important to me, it works great, and is free.

    As for a linkback, you could ask the writer of the article for a link to your website (where appropriate). But if you could "hijack" the click to your website, then imagine what could happen with less-honest folks (which could click to your competitor's website, for example).

    I would suggest that wherever your products are mentioned in the news (in a way you support), that you link to the public articles for your "In The New" section of your website. That's akin to providing testimonials of your products and services.

    Depending on your budget, there are services that will monitor mentions of your products and measure the "buzz" in a dashboard-like setting. For example,
  • Posted by Tooch on Author
    Thank you Frank and Jay for contributing your thoughts as well. Your comments contributed to a better understanding of the tools available and a clearer path to follow to move me forward with this project.
  • Posted by Tooch on Author
    Hi Jay,

    Can you share some experience feedback with these types of monitoring systems? I reviewed andiamosystems, which will be a consideration, and is a great recommendation.
  • Posted by Harry Hallman on Accepted
    There is no way to do what you ask and if there was it should be banned, but you can influence people who mention your product (at least some).

    First, you can obtain a monitoring service like That way you can find out who is talking about you and influence or advertise on there sites. You can also buy product mentions from bloggers using services such as

    You might want to read this white paper - 7 1/2 Reasons…
    Why Brands Should Monitor Their Digital Footprints

    In addition, you can pick up some other papers of use at
  • Posted by Clive Fernandes on Member
    Dear Krista,

    You've brought up a very interesting point here, and one which I feel needs more discussion than just putting it down to "No. It's bad, it's not possible".

    What you are looking for is theoretically possible, but only if both you and the site mentioning your company were part of a really big and wide reaching advertising network ( Google adwords anyone?). Using current technology, it would be pretty easy for a script to figure out that a publisher is referencing a certain company in his webpage, and automatically link that reference to the website of the company.

    I feel your question has shown the potential for a whole new advertising method for a ad-network like Google adwords. Perhaps this might just provoke a solution as you were hoping your question would.

    Hope this helps.

    Clive Fernandes
    Clive Fernandes Consulting
  • Posted by Mikee on Member

    I agree that sometime in the future this might be possible for sites that participated in some network, but this would not cover all "public domain" product mentions that Krista was asking about. I still think that many companies and web designers would not participate as they would like to retain control of the content. This is the same reason that many sites do not present Google ads on their site.


    You could also create a PR piece on your website that gives tools that people could use to reference your site. Unfortunately, this will not get all the people, but might encourage people to reference your company.

  • Posted by Ric Vatner on Accepted
    Hello Tooch,

    Yes there are ways to capitalize on that positive comment in that article or any positive article on any web site. In fact there are quite a few so I will outline some here to give you a good start.

    The answer lies in using the social media to do what is called social media marketing.

    For example, the article you mentioned recommends your product but doesn't mention your web site. You want to capitalize on it, maybe add some more information to it and send people to your web site. Here's what I would do:

    1. Write an article in your blog (if you don't have one, why? Every company should have a web site and a blog and the Owner, CEO or at least the sales manager should also have one). In the blog post add any additional information you want to add and make sure you mention the above article and include a link to the article that people can click on to get to it.

    To make the link more effective mention the name of your product and then hyper link that rather than just typing in the URL.

    So who reads my blog? you say. Well the next step will take care of that.

    2. Go to Digg and vote for your blog post and while your at it vote for the article as well (the more people that read it the better it is for you) and if you are the first person to bookmark them, you get to write the main review - that's got to be good for you and they will both be next to each other when people come to read your review.

    2B. Get all your staff, friends and family, friendly customers, suppliers and drinking mates to vote for it as well. If you do well in Digg it can drive tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people to your blog post and then to your web site. Even if you don't do "well" it can get you thousands of extra visitors but your post may also be picked up by other bloggers who mention it in their post thus giving you more traffic.

    3. Repeat the above exercise at Stumbleupon which will also drive huge traffic to your blog post that mentions the article and links people to it so they can see the great comment for themselves and "discover" you.

    3B. Get all your staff, friends and family etc to vote for it at stumbleupon to raise your authority ranking for that article.

    3C. You will be amazed how cheap it is to buy traffic at stumbleupon - so if you see that you are getting more positive votes than negative, buy more traffic and buy some more every month untill you get a better article to promote. If you get negative votes - fix the problem before you buy any traffic.

    4. Go to Squidoo, start a lense about "acne" and mention the article and then link to it. Then mention your blog and your web site and link to them and link to the You Tube vidoeo I am about to recommend you make. (A lense is really just a blog but they call them a lense).

    Why Squidoo, because Google loves it. We have uploaded a "lense" and had it come up on the first page of Google for the key word we were targeting in HOURS, not days, or months. You may find that the Squidoo lense will rank higher than your blog, your web site and the article you are promoting but hey, its all about you, and it links to your blog and your web site so great.

    4B. Tell your staff, F & F etc to go there and vote for it and if they have a blog tell them to link to it. If they all link to it that will increase its authority ranking and the links to your blog and web site from the lense will be more powerful and thus help get your blog post and web site a higher ranking in Google (i.e. help get them on to the first page for searches for your targeted key words).

    5. Make a You Tube Video. How? The easiest way for this type of promotion is to make a PowerPoint presentation and then use either Camtasia or one of the cheaper screen video software programs to record it. You can do some great effects in PowerPoint and include a screen shot of the said article and zoom in to your mention.

    You can then add text boxes that highlight important features or benefits of the product. Finish the video with a great special offer e.g. a free trial or a 2 for one discount offer or a free report e.g. "If only I'd known these 5 secrets to getting rid of pimples I wouldn't have missed the school dance". Don't forget to display your URL and phone number.

    5B. You guessed it. Get your staff, F & F etc to go to You Tube and vote for the video and leave great comments about how good the product is.

    5C. But here's the really smart bit - go to Digg and stumbleupon, reddit, and Squidoo and repeat the above points for the You tube Video - drive traffic to the video which in turn will drive traffic to your web site but remember You Tube gets more traffic than Google so if you promote the video and drive people to it, then You Tube will notice you and they may feature the video or at least it will rate for your key word e.g. "Acne Cure" That will mean when some one searches for a video on that problem - you will be the solution that You Tube delivers.

    In summary, I have only mentioned a few of the social media web sites that can really help you out in a situation liker the one you described. I could have talked about Hub Pages, Slide, Scribd, Xing, Facebook and many more.

    But the key point is, don't do what most people do. They post a blog article or a video and then sit back to watch the world beat a path to their door and are shocked to see no one notices them. No one comes. There are 65,000 videos posted to You Tube every hour - you have to do something to help your post get noticed and that is why you need to do all of the above to BRING IT TO PEOPLE"S ATTENTION.

    And don't forget all of this was done to promote that article, by the time you have finished the lucky journalist who wrote it is going to win a Pullizer prize or something 'cos her article was read by millions of people. I bet s/he will remember you and next time they write about acne, you will get 5 mentions .....and a link to your web site :-)

    However you can use the same strategy to promote any article - even your own.

    I hope that helps, I know it requires some effort but there really isn't any gain without pain these days. At least I can guarantee that if you put the effort in (or hire a social media marketing consultant to do it) you will get a return.

    Best Wishes,

    Ric Vatner
  • Posted by Tooch on Author
    Thank you Ric for the time spent detailing your social media tactics. Very useful. The information expanded my knowledge and will prove valuable developing program recommendations not only for this project but for current programs we have running on our social media sites.

    Harry, you've given me some good information too and excellent resources to read! Thank you.

    Clive, I share your thinking about a new "Google Adword" type ad-networking method. As it was my initial thought when I was presented with this scenario.

    I will be discussing all of the opinions and suggested tactics, discussed in this forum, at the end of month to our Corporate Internet Panel and will followup to share thoughts and developments from the meeting.
  • Posted by Tooch on Author
    Great discussion! Thank you. The question is now closed and points awarded.

    I shared the points amoung 4 contributors and thank you all for your thoughtful and detailed contributions and provoking discussion.

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