
Topic: Career/Training

Ideas For Pp Presentation

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Dear all,

I need to prepare a Power Point presentation on "My biggest business achievement" for my new job interview.

Any ideas on how to go about it? Any recommended web sites to have a look at?
DOs and DONTs to keep in mind?

Many thanks on all your help in advance.

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  • Posted by melissa.paulik on Accepted

    Tell a story!

    I would use pictures and images instead of bullet points so the focus stays on you.

    Make sure it's a full story and not just an ending. For example, if your biggest achievement was a customer conference that you ran, talk about why the customer conference came about. Give it some plot twists - problems that looked like they might thwart you from your goal. And, make sure it has a happily ever after ending a.k.a. results achieved.

    Finally, a technical piece of advice. If you are using PowerPoint, Microsoft online offers all sorts of free photos and images that you can tap into if you don't have your own. Yes, they offer the standard cheesy clip art too, but it's far more than that.

    All the best!

    Melissa Paulik
    [URL deleted by staff]
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Read the book: Beyond Bullet Points (Cliff Atkinson) for tips on presenting.

    Keep the presentation short and leave plenty of time for Q/A.
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    Check out

    They capture the best of the best presenters from around the world.....

    Here are some pointers.
    Allow 1.3 minutes per slide
    Shorter is better
    No more than 3 bullets per slide
  • Posted on Member
    Don't put the focus on the slides. They should be looking at and listening to you. The slides merely support what you're there to convey... your story.

    Get their attention early on with something unexpected.

    Be concrete about it, but don't be all left brained either. Show a balance between your creativity and your objectivity.

    Most of all, work the room. Don't just stand in one spot an point at slides. Know your story and your slides so well, you aren't worried about what your going to say next. That will allow you to move around the room gracefully and with confidence.

    Make eye contact with each person. Keep your hands out of your pockets and from behind your back. Use them to tell your story.

    Technical aspects of powerpoint can ruin you. Make sure you know what equipment you're using and how it works. Ask about the room in advance. Know the lighting. Show up early to make sure it all works as planned... and to get a feel for the room. If you can, decide for yourself how you want the room set up.

    And, don't just conclude. End on a high note. Be memorable.

    Good luck!
  • Posted on Member
    Try not to read the bullet points but rather comment on each.
    Make sure you do not extend beyond let's say 1 minute for each slide.
    Use dark blue as a background and white in the text.
    No more than three bullet points per slide.
    Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse and in the spot where the presentation will be made.
    Listen carefully every question made by the audience before advancing any answer. Be brief in your answer and only related with the subject asked. If not sure say you will find out and will respond asap (by phone, email, or before the end of the meeting etc). Have one assistant to find out.
    If you are not good with humor do not even try it!!
    No humor on sex, religion and race or on competitors.
    Use a strong voice showing self assurance.
    Find who is the "lion" in your audience and address him directly most of the time as he will be the one making the final decision.
    Good luck!!!
  • Posted on Member
    Tell a story.

    Use a simple image, and as few words as possible

    Don't read the slides.

    More here at Seth Godin's blog

  • Posted by Corpcommer on Accepted


    To add to the good suggestions you've already received from my marketing colleagues, here's my advice:

    When you end your presentation, tell the audience the benefit of your business achievement. Think about it, Emi. Without a benefit to someone, it's not an achievement.

    Did your employer's revenue increase by 10%? Did you get the chance to learn something first-hand earlier than other people in the field? Were customers helped, thereby making your company a good corporate citizen?

    Let your audience know what you accomplished. Good luck.

    Corpcommer - MC
  • Posted on Member
    In addition to presenting fancy slides, I recommend you work on the content on what is your biggest business achievement.

    To me, the best resource on the web is Michael Auzenne and Mark Horstman have extensive experience in the interviewing field. Listen to their podcasts on hiring, writing a resume (big focus is achievements), download their resume template, and if you have time run your resume by their resume service, which costs only $50.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you all for your valuable inputs.
    However, I award points to those who were most to the point with practical examples and less general and theoretical tips about presentation skills.

    Best regards and thanks again,

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