
Topic: Our Forum

Dave Krehbiel, Aka Telemoxie Needs Our Help!

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Colleagues, I cannot express how ticked off I am at the bureaucrat who did this, but Dave Krehbiel's family needs some immediate assistance!

Unfortunately, I don't have any pertinent connections, but hope that one, or more, of you will. Following is the post from the Journal they have been keeping since Dave had his accident - - - >

We need your help and advice. We received some very upsetting news from the Living at Home Waiver program today. Although Dave meets the criteria for the medical part of the waiver, he was denied approval because his Social Security Disability check is $3/month over the cut off for qualifying!

All of Dave's official documentation from SSA has an amount that is well under the qualifying figure, but for some reason his deposit is just enough more that it puts his income $3 over. I asked over and over again for the qualifying figure, but was told every time that it varies depending on the situation. I have offered to pay the $3/month back, which I was told cannot be done.

I also went to SSA today to see if the amount being deposited was a mistake, which it is not. I also asked if this deposit could be reduced, but of course that is a no also.

I have been given several options for appealing this, but I need help from whoever knows any Maryland State members of Congress or any attorneys who are familiar with the Living at Home Waiver.

Dave was able to visit the new addition on Saturday and was absolutely amazed and so thankful for what everyone has done for us. That's why it's doubly hard to be blind-sided by this news when just last week I was told that there were no problems with his approval.

Our goal was to get Dave home by August 1, but with this setback we just don't know how soon we can get him phone.

Please call me with any suggestions at 301-523-2996 Thanks so much, Vickie, and thanks for your continued prayers and support
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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    I am not 100% sure that it's right to post their home phone number here.

    I understand that your heart is in the right place, and I understand that Vickie posted this herself on the Web, but it was on the journal that she maintains related to Dave's accident, and it's usually only read by people familiar with Dave and his injury.
  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    cpshankar -

    I will forward your post to Vickie by email as I am not sure she reads this forum.


  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    As I said, I know you're trying to do the right thing...
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    Sorry to be away from the forum for so long. Thank you everyone for your kind notes wishes and prayers. I am posting this message using Dragon NaturallySpeaking dictation software, and if I can figure out how this works I'll be back on the forum soon.

    As some of you know, I was injured last year at the beach. The support from my buddies at marketing profs has been a real encouragement to me.

    Thanks again for your advice and encouragement.

    Dave Krehbiel a.k.a. TeleMoxie
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Spotted this a little late, but I'm excited and encouraged to see Dave back here and "sounding" so good. (I guess the Dragon NaturallySpeaking software works!)

    Unfortunately, I don't have any smart answers for the specific situation, but I have found the local SSA folks to be very creative when necessary. If you can get to the person in charge at the local SSA office, maybe they can tell you what you have to do to work the system. This situation would be laughable if it weren't so serious.

    Anyway, welcome back, Dave.


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