
Topic: Taglines/Names

Dubaiyoga Tagline Needed

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hello all! I am looking for a tagline to energize I plan to develop this site into a yoga/wellness portal in the UAE that offers yoga wellness/resources in the Middle East & info on international yoga centres, yoga conferences, summits, etc. The three words that come to my mind to describe all this are Energy. Inspiration & Collaboration.
What I envision for a tagline is something that captures the "larger than life" essence of Dubai and the United Arab Emirates region.
Thank you for your time. Susan
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    I think you are on to something with your three words..

    Here is a variation
    Dubai Yoga, Inspriation, Energy and Growth
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Energy/Growth will cause your site to get lost in the search engines (especially when adding "Dubai"). Instead of "energy" use words that reflect emotion: Feel energetic, Rejuvenate, Reawaken, Revitalize, etc.

    Also consider: Stretch Yourself Beyond The UAE
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for the feedback guys! At first, I liked the variation of the three words, but agree they will probably become SEO lost. I am considering the Stretch tag. It made me think differently about the potential of the site. Thanks again, Susan

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