
Topic: E-Marketing

How To Find The Client`s Emails In The Internet?

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
our company is producing plastic bags including shopping bags ,gargage bags ,T-shirt bags and so on .And our business is to export the plastic bags .My job is to find the international clients from the internet ,but i cannot find their could you help me and tell me how to do it ?thank you very much.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    You can mine some company's email addresses from their websites. However, what would be simplest is to purchase/rent an list from a list vendor. They'll help you to target your prospects. Compare different vendors and do a test mailing to ensure the contacts are up-to-date.
  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    Are you talking about clients or prospects?

    Either way, simply finding these email addresses on the Web (or anywhere else) is not really consistent with best practices as they relate to permission-based email marketing.

    Same goes for purchasing lists, really. If someone is just outright selling a list, there's a very good chance (like 99%, I'd say) that the list was compiled and is not at all permission-based.

    Ethical issues aside, these lists just don't perform very well.

    You can certainly rent an email list, but even then you have to choose your vendor carefully. Moreover, our experience has been that for the vast majority of companies, renting email lists simply does not work cost effectively (in both consumer and business applications).

    That's not to say it "never" works, but it's very, very rare, and even then only in cases where the client can tolerate a very high cost per result.

    I think you need to go through this sales process the old-fashioned way. I do not think just blasting emails all over the world will help you.

    - Paul
  • Posted on Member

    Please investigate the laws of that country before you hit the send button. It could windup putting you out of business!!

    Italy has one of the toughest laws on permission based email. They will have your website shout down if your in violation.

    You are better off with a opt-in permission file from a trusted source. I can refer you to someone who could help you in this area. Just send me an email.

    Good Luck


  • Posted on Member
    I do the same type of thing in my company. Though we are only searching for email contacts with in the US. Someone here suggest to me and I've had great success with that. you may want to take a look as you might be able to find international contacts as well.

    Good luck.
  • Posted by Neil on Member
    I think if you fish the contact info of someone off the Web and contact them directly and individually that is okay.

    If you "harvest" emails of the Web and send bulk email that is definitely considered Spam and to be avoided.

    To avoid even the appearance of spam, make sure you highly customize an email you send to someone you find online. Make sure there are details in there that would be difficult, if not impossible, to send if you were sending a bulk email.

    You could, for example, talk specifically how you can help their specific company and show you have done a bit of research about them.
  • Posted on Member
    I know you're looking for an easy answer here, but I agree with Paul, blasting out emails around the world isn't likely going to get you many results.

    In my experience rented lists get about a 1.5%-2% return rate, and that doesn't even guarantee a sale. Considering the time to harvest and/or the cost of the list, it likely more effort/cost than it's worth.

    A second consideration is not just spamming, but being perceived as a spammer. Once you're labeled as a spammer by a prospect, that door closes for good, which in the end will cost you more potential business than mass emailing will generate.

    People just don't have the time for mass tactics anymore - they're cold, impersonal and don't speak to my particular needs. The companies that are making an effort to research and build a relationship with their customers are the companies that are winning in todays world.

    Be one of those companies. It's not the easy route, but in the end it's the right route.

    Best of luck.
  • Posted by michael on Member
    If you're trying to find the e-mail address of the purchasing dept that is something you can get from most companies' websites.

  • Posted on Author
    thank you very much

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