
Topic: E-Marketing

Know Anyone In The Spa & Resort Develop Industry?

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Referral Fee: Minimum of $50 and up to 10% of the total fee for the first signed contract.

Company or Individual’s name: Lotus Effects Spa and Resort Development Globally.

Sales lead / Description of the type of business or information you are searching for:
(A) Contact with spa resort / hotel / destination / spa community developers implementing spas. Tourism / Travel boards that provide spa or wellness related information.

You know to refer me when:
(B) An owner/developer/agent wants a spa advisor or expert to manage their spa facility independently, or they need top assistance in operations, treatments, training, development and all spa aspects. When someone wants to start a spa or spa related wellness concept, and they are not in the industry or need assistance.

Title of the decision maker I would like to be referred to: (C) CEO, Consultant, Agent, Marketing or Development Director, COO, CFO

Location you service:
(D) Travel and consulting is worldwide. This is both virtual and on site work.

Payment Details: Minimum $50. Up to 10% referral fee of total of first signed contract. Payable upon signed contract and payment secured.

Contact Information: Stacey Abrams
888-223-0633 x102
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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    Party foul!

    So not appropriate for this forum...

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