
Topic: E-Marketing

Company Blog

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am looking into starting a blog for my company (mostly with educational content-- whitepapers, etc. relating to the services we provide). I would be doing it partly for SEO and partly to replace our e-newsletter, which isn't currently giving us a lot of ROI. My main reservation about doing this is the access competitors will have to all the information.

Any thoughts you have on pros/cons would be very helpful, any best-practices advice, as well as links to well-done corporate blogs. Thanks!
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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    You could offer portions of the story on your blog, but require opt-in to access the entire article. Consult this site to see what I am referring to.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Your competitors probably already have access to your information. Isn't the goal of marketing to spread your information around to as many people as possible? Our marketing blog is one of our top 5 lead generation sources and gets as much web traffic as our main website. Blogging can be one of the most powerful marketing techniques today.

    If you want to learn more about business blogging, check out this business blogging kit that includes an ebook and webinar, or read about blogging using the blog link above.
  • Posted by Sachin on Accepted

    After going through your company website and your question I can completely understand your point of view. While providing services and dealing with Govt. agencies and in B2B domain, the ROI calculation on a newsletter is a little harsh though it's important. As pointed out by Phil too, there are other factors to look at. However, I see the B2B closing cycle would be a longer as compared to B2C so you need to factor that in while calculating ROI.

    However, your point of starting a blog and publishing special reports and white papers and competitors getting access to it, shouldn't worry you. For a simple fact that, If I as a competitor need any such report from you I might undertake some tactic to get it anyways. And also, the sales doesn't happen with your competitor knowing / not knowing about a point. It would mostly depend on the requirements of clients, pricing, service, relationship, previous customer feedback, trust and brand name of your company etc. (blog and newsletters keep your brand name fresh in people's mind).

    So, I would say blog is not going to hamper your strategy. Additionally, I would say to reduce the frequency of your e-newsletter and drive people to subscribe to RSS feeds or Email updates (free from feedburner) of your blog. This would get more dynamic content on your website and also it's good for your website's traffic. Also, by keeping your newsletter alive, you can sometimes let some of your offers slip in.

    A blog + newsletter (with lesser frequency) is a better strategy to keep your Brand name fresh and alive!

    PS: For a complete corporate blogging guide, please visit SEOMOZ website and you can get access to the corporate blogging guide.
  • Posted by Neil on Accepted
    Maybe you could have white papers and make access to them require contact info. This would be a way to capture leads and provide valuable info to your clients.

    Information these days is very hard to lock in a vault so, yes, even with white papers requiring contact info your competitors could get the info. However, since you have the info you probably have the jump on them and can come out ahead.

    I would not give up on your email newsletter just yet. It is a very powerful tool and you should continue with it.

    And do not give up on your blog because your are afraid of giving away secrets. The benefits of a good blog probably out weight that.

    I know I follow blogs that I love and people freely share info and I know they benefit from the sharing of info in good will and customers.

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