
Topic: Student Questions

Does Globalisation Interfere With Traditional Shopping?

Posted by Carl Crawford on 300 Points

hi everyone,

i need some help for my essay (yes it is for a school project - 20% of my grade in fact)

the question is: "globalization interferes with traditional shopping; discuss this supported by examples"

here is what i have come up with so far (just some thoughts)

Global consumption - internet shopping
- infomercials

pros/cons against traditional shopping

pros : variety of products and services
reach more people

cons : monetary vulnerability (exchange rates)
absence of the "feel touch" factor
security (fraud - mail)
hassles to get the product back for refund or replacement
absence of buyer seller relationship

traditional shopping: absence of the internet/credit card
socializations / entertainment
feel touch

is there any thing i have missed?
could you please help me get some examples?

and if it is possible can it be in a New Zealand context, but if it is not still tell me

the essay is 2000 words and due in 3 weeks


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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    I had to look up "interfere with" to see if interfere could mean both positive and negative context, or if it is only negative. One of the definitions my dictionary gave was "to hinder", which says that it is negative impacts only.

    Can you give me a definition of "traditional shopping"? I think this just means the way that shopping has occured for many years (local stores, etc.), but wanted to make sure that was the intent.

    If my definition for traditional shopping is correct, I would say that globalization does not hinder traditional shopping directly.

    The reason I wanted to know if "interfere" could be positive, is that globalization in general lowers the cost (and sales price) of goods sold. This would help the shopping process, as the consumer would get a lower price.

    Hindering would come if globalization moved towards a method of changing thew ay which shopping is done (such as if people ordered things directly from a foriegn country, removing the middle men in your local country). This has not occured in the States (and I assume not in NZ, and likely won't due to high shipping costs and burdonsome customs regulations.

    Globalization has impacted some countries through new styles of retailers moving into new countries. An example is the "big box" retailers (CostCo, WalMart, etc.) moving into countries that didn't have anything like that before. When these big box stores move in, often the small "mom and pop" stores can not compete, and go out of business.
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Author
    thank you for your responeses, i am sorry i didnt get a chance to say thaks earlier but i havent had time to read my emails.

    both your answers have helped me get a firm grounding in the essay.

    i will leave this open for another few days.

  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Author
    Thank you jose04

    it gave me a few new ideas for my essay.

    have a nice day


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