
Topic: Our Forum

Remembrance Day

Posted by steven.alker on 250 Points
Remembrance Day

I just tuned into the news to he confronted by the incredibly moving sight of the remembrance service for the victims of 9/11

I would just like to offer our continuing support, prayers for the relatives and loved ones and the let you Yanks know that despite controversy over what your commander in chief gets up to that we in the UK are still standing shoulder to shoulder the people of the United States of America in their loss.

Your ability to pick yourselves up, defy the terrorists and carry on, stronger than before the atrocity is an inspiration to people everywhere.

Sincerest Wishes

Steve Alker

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  • Posted on Accepted
    I'll echo Jeannine's sentiments.

    Fortunately, we were not directly touched by the events of that day 7 years ago. However, what happened has indeed changed the world and affects each of us.

    Your comments, Steve and Zahid, are appreciated.

    I also agree there is no need to get political on this forum. There are plenty of places to vent or show your support with present, past or future governments.


  • Posted by steven.alker on Author
    Dear Friends

    In one way, the commemoration proceeded in a lower key this year and perhaps that is as it should be.

    America was hurt, America reacted and most importantly America started the process of healing. That process will never end and our thoughts and feelings on these issues, from this side of the pond, will always be with you.

    As you said:

    God bless America


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