
Topic: Student Questions

How To Do A Successful Global Brand Name?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
What are some of the concerns involved in establishing global brand names? Give an example of a successful global brand name and explain why it's a good name.
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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member

    This not a question I posted. What's up?

    - Steve
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    Hi Einmay

    i agree with Milind that building a global brand is a long term process (Rome/Coke/Marlboro was not built in a day!!!). and also the BATA example is great!

    then again, pls check this link on global brand building

    according to this link Here’s a six-step process to building a great global brand:

    1. Target your message -- define your target customer group precisely.

    2. Make each initial customer contact your absolute best.

    3. Give your brand a dynamic personality -- people want to have fun while they explore.

    4. Create an experience for your customer they won’t forget, for oftentimes customers forget the brand but come back for the experience (think Starbucks, big time!). For “experience,” read “adventure” -- something that works to gain and sustain interest. A strong brand can boost stock value as well as sales.

    5. Deliver on your promises time and time again. Your customers come to you because you offer them a value that no one else can. Do what you say you are going to do, and more.

    6. Be your customer’s soul mate -- stay in constant quality contact over the long haul.

    i hope this helps.


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