
Topic: E-Marketing

Email Marketing - Help!

Posted by darinscott on 250 Points
Looking for alternative email marketing services/applications. Currently using ConstantContact, but want to make a switch to something more cutting edge or web 2.0. Let me know who you're using, share experiences, or send recommendations you have. Thanks for your help in advance. - Darin
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  • Posted by Neil on Member
    Please define exactly what you mean by Web 2.0 and cutting edge. Thanks.

    What exactly was lacking in your previous provider that you now need?
  • Posted by darinscott on Author
    Looking for new alternatives, CC is clunky, non-user friendly. 2.0 and cutting edge means new technology, greater freedom with HTML, advanced analytics, surveys, polls, dynamic content (videos, audio, wikis, etc.). If that doesn't help explain see TechCrunch 50 or to understand what I mean by 2.0 and cutting edge. Thanks.
  • Posted by darinscott on Author
    iContact is an example of an alternative, but I'm looking for newer lesser known options.
  • Posted by rthomas on Accepted
    Really depends on how big your mailing lists are... here are a few good ones I recommend:
    Easy to use, use your own HTML, good delivery rates. Aimed at users who are comfortable using and creating html email campaigns. Very good solution if your email lists are reasonably clean. (same company as above version)
    This version is great for users who are less comfortable with creating their own custom HTML. Initially created for designer/client relationships, Mailbuild allows the designer or advanced user to create html email templates. Individual users can then come in a use these custom template to easily create attractive emails, add pictures, articles, mail-merges etc in a drag and drop/WYSIWYG environment. Highly recommended for smaller mailing lists, keeping up with your current active clients.
    If you are looking for fancy features, EmailLabs may be a better solution. You can create custom HTML emails, set up triggers based on user behavior, create dynamic templates (eg show different articles or promotions based on the individual reader interests) and more. It is more expensive, but comes with a bunch of additional features, including a hosted CMS solution, search engine bidding tracker and website analytics package.
    Not as attractive to use, but is a solid solution for html emails. You must be comfortable with creating your own custom html for this tool. There is also a pro version with some additional features.

    There are many more solutions out there... some will provide more support than others. Do look for a company with reputable histories with ISPs.

    Good luck!
  • Posted on Member
    This article about picking an email service provider might be helpful. Constant Contact is a great solution by the way, you might just want to supplement it with other things (like a blog, or run a report on your website at to see what else you could change)

    If you want to look at some others, check out iContact, Blue Sky Factory, MailChimp, Bronto, VerticalResponse, ExactTarget...
  • Posted by Neil on Member
    I work for the StreamSend Email Marketing service. We offer a free trial so you could see if we meet your needs.
  • Posted on Member
    Hi Daran,

    Web 2.0 isn't about technology, it's power is derived by the conversations people are having with each other online.

    Here's an article by Marketing Sherpa outlining the tactics Zappos has used to create a web 2.0 newsletter. Granted, for the market HCI serves it's probably not wise to use the exact tactics. There might be issues with user generated content and HIPAA.

    What exactly are you trying to accomplish by switching to a "more cutting edge" email service provider?


    Jesse Kanclerz

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