
Topic: Student Questions

Best Buy Swot Analysis

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have been given the assignment of performing a SWOT analysis on Best Buy and am having trouble with some of the details. I am having no problem finding lots of strengths, but the weaknesses are hard to find. The website for Best Buy is obviously not giving anything away freely and I know I need to search but the question is where and what for. Adding to the problem is the fact that I must find at least 25 different weaknesses so I am afraid that I will run out of material quickly if I don't have a reliable resource. Also, I am worried that I will have trouble with the opportunities and threats as I must find at least 20 examples of each of these. If anyone can give me an idea of where to look and what to look for, I would be most appreciative.
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  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    First of all, many "standard" strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats are available all over the web if you search on SWOT. You can evaluate these one by one against Best Buy and decide if you can see them as pertinent. Don't just find and use one such list. Find a bunch and use as many different questions as you can find. Here's an example:

    Next, if you look at the "strengths" list and the Best Buy competitors - if the competitors have a strength and Best Buy doesn't - that becomes a weakness. For instance, if Circuit City has a strength in terms of a relationship with a leading home theater audio supplier like Harmon Kardon and Best Buy does not, the weakness is "lack of relationship with home theater audio supplier, Harmon Kardon." So look for strengths that Best Buy lacks versus their competition and phrase those into weaknesses.

    I hope that helps.

  • Posted on Author
    Yes it did, thank you very much!

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