
Topic: Student Questions

Help Me With The Dissertation Topic?

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
Anyone could help me with the dissertation topic related to International Marketing. I need a good topic for my master degree. Thank you..
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  • Posted on Accepted
    What about "Local peculiarities and Global branding in FMCG"
  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted
    I believe in research on the marketing strategy of Western companies in the emerging economies (eg the BRIC countries). While there are many articles talking about the differences for each specific country, research could address their similarities, tackling questions such as
    'when should multinational brands refocus from targeting the very rich (top 2%) to the emerging middle class and what does this imply for product, price, place and promotions?
    'how should brands react when a financial crisis (which emerging economies go through every 5 years or so) cuts sales in half for a year?'

    Hope this helps
  • Posted on Accepted
    There is a good resource containing many marketing dissertation topics - have a look, hopefully you can find something suitable there:
  • Posted on Accepted
    Check out

    They have an interesting newsletter that tackles the importance of localizing your brand name in the different countries you operate in(in their case, china).

    Best of luck,


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