
Topic: E-Marketing

E-newsletter Name For B2b Firm

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points

Can you please help me come up with a new name for our e-newsletter? My firm is Optiva Systems ( and our customers are primarily manufacturing engineers or quoting/estimating workers. Our primary business is CAD visualization software.

The monthly e-newlsetter will be going to both customers and qualified prospects. Past names were the Optiva Collaborator and the Optiva Innovator. I'm finding that both of these aren't very eye catching and are too generic. Any ideas?

Thank you!

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  • Posted by joshnason on Member
    My first instinct is that the copy and layout are more important than the name. You could go with something simple like Optiva E-News or something basic. I feel if you asked most consumers, they'd remember something great they read as opposed to the name.

    Just a thought...I'd go with a basic name.
  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    Hi, Lisa,

    I looked at your website and couldn't find a place to view or sign up for your email newsletter.

    Changing the name for this publication to something more "eye catching" may be a good idea - but I have to ask: Is it the name that's not eye catching or the content? Many people make the mistake of putting self-serving information in their newsletter - like articles about how if you buy my product, here's how it can help you in your company. A GOOD newsletter has articles that are of general interest to the readers. If there are business tips, they are of a wide range of topics, not just product related. The purpose of the newsletter is to keep your name in front of the readers and to associate that name with "value" versus to SELL the product. Since I couldn't read yours, I don't know if this is the case or not - probably not. But, it's food for thought if your name change is because you aren't getting a lot of people opening the email or you are getting a lot of people opting out.

    That being said, how about this name:

    Value Added from Optiva

    I hope this helps.


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